
tech2024-04-09  84


Zimbra is either the coolest thing I’ve seen this month, or too good to be true. I haven’t decided which yet.

Zimbra要么是我本月见过的最酷的东西,要么实在太好了。 我还没有决定。

Previously known as Liquid Systems, Zimbra is the new name of the company, as well as its flagship product: an extensible open-source client/server system for managing email, contacts, and calendaring that can be accessed with either a slick, cross-browser, AJAX-powered user interface, or via desktop applications like Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird/Sunbird, Apple Mail/iCal, and others.

Zimbra以前称为Liquid Systems,是公司的新名称,同时也是其旗舰产品:一种可扩展的开放源代码客户端/服务器系统,用于管理电子邮件,联系人和日历,可以通过光滑,交叉的浏览器,支持AJAX的用户界面,或通过Microsoft Outlook,Mozilla Thunderbird / Sunbird,Apple Mail / iCal等桌面应用程序。

The server that powers all this, Zimbra Collaboration Server, is written in Java, and sits upon familiar open source components like a MySQL database, a Postfix Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) (with SpamAssassin and ClamAV for anti-spam and anti-virus by default) and a Tomcat Web Application Server.

支持所有这些功能的服务器Zimbra Collaboration Server用Java编写,位于熟悉的开放源代码组件上,例如MySQL数据库, Postfix Mail Transfer Agent(MTA)(带有SpamAssassin和ClamAV,用于反垃圾邮件和反病毒),默认)和Tomcat Web应用程序服务器。

Although the services provided by Zimbra (mail, contacts, and calendaring) are all accessible with desktop applications (see above) via the open standards that exist for these things, Zimbra also provides its own cross-browser, AJAX-laden, Web-based user interface. This UI supports many of Zimbra’s “extra” features, such as message tagging, unified search, email rendering plug-ins (e.g. linking your company’s invoice numbers to your order tracking system when they appear in email messages, or integrating services like Google Maps, Skype, and Alexa), and more. All of these features come with open APIs so that desktop clients may be enhanced to take advantage of them, but for now the full power of Zimbra is best accessed through the Web client interface.

尽管Zimbra提供的服务(邮件,联系人和日历)都可以通过桌面应用程序(参见上文)通过存在的开放标准来访问,但是Zimbra还提供了自己的跨浏览器,基于AJAX的,基于Web的用户界面。 此用户界面支持Zimbra的许多“额外”功能,例如消息标记,统一搜索,电子邮件呈现插件(例如,当公司的发票编号出现在电子邮件中时,将其发票编号链接到您的订单跟踪系统,或集成Google Maps等服务, Skype和Alexa )等等。 所有这些功能都带有开放的API,因此可以增强桌面客户端以利用它们,但是目前最好通过Web客户端界面访问Zimbra的全部功能。

In short, Zimbra is Microsoft Exchange and Gmail rewritten in Java using open source technology… all free, cross-browser, and cross-platform.

简而言之,Zimbra是使用开放源代码技术(全部免费,跨浏览器和跨平台)以Java重写的Microsoft Exchange和Gmail 。

I think I’ll have a play with the current beta version for my personal email (which I currently download at home and access at work using an Outlook-to-IMAP gateway), and if it lives up to its promise with reasonable scalability, we might just move SitePoint’s email over to the system.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/zimbra-gmail-and-exchange-meet-open-source-java-and-ajax/


相关资源:Zimbra OS Admin Guide