
tech2024-04-09  85


I have included QMail in several posts in Open Sourcery over the last year. Frequently the discussion jumps to why QMail, unlike other peers, does not build in refinements and instead leaves the administrator to patch and patch to get to the same level as Postfix, Sendmail and others.

去年,我在开放源代码的几篇文章中都提到了QMail。 通常,讨论跳到为什么QMail与其他同行不同的是,它不进行完善,而是让管理员进行修补和修补,使其达到与Postfix,Sendmail等相同的级别。

Being a longtime Sendmail user who started into QMail in late 2003 and 2004 for a few clients – I also went through a learning curve adjusting to building and tweaking it to meet requirements (and still am to some extent!).


I have learned to like QMail quite a bit – especially the use of tcpserver to selectively allow, ban with rejection messages or simply drop connections to the server outright. I also like the ease of using POP before SMTP and the ability to control how long IP addresses are cached for SMTP relaying.

我已经学会了非常喜欢QMail,尤其是使用tcpserver选择性地允许,禁止拒绝消息或直接断开与服务器的连接。 我还喜欢在SMTP之前使用POP的简易性,以及控制为SMTP中继缓存IP地址的时间长度的功能。

A peer of mine, Oban Lambie, president of Brown Rice Internet and a seasoned system administrator who came from a sendmail background, looks at the manual patching differently than I tend to.

我的同龄人, 糙米Internet总裁Oban Lambie和经验丰富的系统管理员(来自sendmail)对手动修补程序的看法与我所想的不同。

“Like most good things in life when the entry level bar is raised it almost always seems that the payoff is well worth it if you take the time to get over the bar,” he wrote to me.


“Qmail is admittedly trickier to install than Sendmail but the flexibility of Qmail always makes my job much easier. Qmail’s large user base, web based email account administration for both clients (Qmailadmin) and administrators (Vqadmin), ease of third party software integration (Spamassassin), and the intelligent layout of the configuration files and directories make it any easy choice for me whenever I configure a mail server.”

“ Qmail的安装无疑比Sendmail更加棘手,但是Qmail的灵活性始终使我的工作更加轻松。 Qmail的庞大用户群,针对客户端(Qmailadmin)和管理员(Vqadmin)的基于Web的电子邮件帐户管理,易于实现的第三方软件集成(Spamassassin)以及配置文件和目录的智能布局,使我在任何时候都可以轻松选择我配置了邮件服务器。”

Definitely a QMail fan there, and he is one of the primary reasons I use it today. However – being curious as to why QMail did not simplify (at least in the view of some commenters and my own) a build with many of the manual patches built in for ease of deployment and configuration, I went to the source and queried D.J. Bernstein with some of these questions.

绝对是QMail的粉丝,他是我今天使用它的主要原因之一。 但是–好奇为什么QMail不能简化(至少在某些评论者和我自己看来)简化了许多手动补丁的构建,以便于部署和配置,所以我去了源头并询问DJ Bernstein这些问题中的一些。

I have to assume the lack of response after a month is due to:


He thought – “Who the hell is this guy anyway?” ;>),

他想-“这个家伙到底是谁?” ;>), Bernstein appears to be involved in quite a bit of various projects, and probably gets a kabillion emails of this nature and/or,

伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)似乎参与了许多不同的项目,并且可能收到了如此性质的大量电子邮件和/或, His philosophy simply does not agree with our wishes.


Well – that is perfectly fine – nobody necessarily wants people telling you how to build your applications. However, when you go open source – expect input of both a strong and weak nature. We are looking for some convenience and Bernstein is trying to build robust and secure software. When the two intertwine – it can sometimes cause issues as we have seen in other software large and small.

很好-很好-没有人一定要有人告诉您如何构建应用程序。 但是,当您开源时,请同时考虑强项和弱项。 我们正在寻找一些便利,Bernstein正在尝试构建健壮且安全的软件。 当两者交织在一起时,有时可能会引起问题,就像在其他大小的软件中所看到的那样。

My questions were fairly simple and non-challenging:


1) Being licensed under a “standards” type license – where the source code can be shared ‘unmodified’ with any improvements supplied as patches (thus our current discussion) – is there any point where those most popular patches might get reviewed and made gold – being included in a future distribution as part of the source?


2) As he ‘appears’ to be the sole proprieter of the QMail code base, is there a succession plan for when he either willingly or unwillingly is no longer managing the source?


3) In 2001, Bernstein claimed more than 700,000 systems worldwide were running QMail. Where do we stand now?

3)2001年,伯恩斯坦声称全世界有超过700,000个系统正在运行QMail。 我们现在站在哪里?

Being a Qmail fan, and obviously there are plenty of other fans, I do hope to get answers on these at some point. Perhaps some readers who have worked closer to QMail development or the project’s developer community will share some insight.

作为Qmail的粉丝,显然还有很多其他的粉丝,我确实希望在某个时候得到这些的答案。 也许一些与QMail开发或项目的开发人员社区紧密合作的读者会分享一些见解。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/digging-deeper-into-qmail/

