
tech2024-04-09  77

You may have caught on by now that Photoshop has “opposite” blend modes: Darken vs. Lighten, Multiply vs. Screen, and Color or Linear Burn vs. Color or Linear Dodge. So the definition in Photoshop Help for Color Dodge may sound eerily familiar:

到现在为止,您可能已经意识到Photoshop具有“相反”的混合模式:“变暗”,“变亮”,“乘以”与“屏幕”,“颜色”或“线性加深”,“颜色”或“线性减淡”。 因此,Photoshop帮助中“ Color Dodge”的定义听起来非常熟悉:

Color Dodge: Looks at the color information in each channel and brightens the base color to reflect the blend color by decreasing the contrast. Blending with black produces no change.

减淡:查看每个通道中的颜色信息,并通过降低对比度来加亮基色以反映混合色。 与黑色混合不会改变。

Similar to Screen, Color Dodge will always result in a lighter image — except the contrast will be turned waaaay up. Here’s what it looks like:

与屏幕类似,“颜色减淡”将始终使图像更亮-除非将对比度调高。 看起来是这样的:

I’ll start with my standard rose picture:


Then I’ll add my semi-standard pawprint layer and set it to Color Dodge:

然后,我将添加半标准的爪印图层并将其设置为“ Color Dodge”:

The pure black area of the pawprint layer results in no change, but all other areas dramatically lighten the image underneath.


(Download sample .psd file)

( 下载示例.psd文件 )

So I have to admit that Color Dodge mode is one that I’ve never used in an actual application before. But apparently a few other people in Google-world have used Color Dodge mode for lots of different purposes. A lot of people will use Color Dodge layers when making high-tech or grunge-style abstract images. But there were two other suggestions that I found interesting…

因此,我必须承认“彩色减淡”模式是我以前从未在实际应用中使用过的模式。 但是很明显,在Google世界中, 还有其他一些人出于各种不同的目的使用了Color Dodge模式。 制作高科技或grunge风格的抽象图像时,很多人会使用“ Color Dodge”图层。 但是我发现另外两个有趣的建议……

Fire up your text. Following most of the steps of this tutorial, here’s what I got:

激发您的文字 。 遵循本教程的大多数步骤,这就是我得到的:

Transform a photo into a light pencil drawing. You can see my attempt at taking this photo:

将照片转换为浅色铅笔画 。 您可以看到我尝试拍摄这张照片的尝试:

… and ending up with this…


Please feel free to share your own experiments with the Color Dodge tool, as I’d like to learn more myself!

请随时与Color Dodge工具分享您自己的实验,因为我想进一步了解自己!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/color-dodge-blend-mode/
