
tech2024-04-10  77


The focus has been on wikis of late – both here at SitePoint and through the general growth in exposure and popularity as developers and savvy users find ways to integrate these amazing flexible tools into their environments.

最近的焦点一直集中在Wiki –在SitePoint上,以及随着开发人员和精明的用户找到将这些惊人的灵活工具集成到其环境中的方法,其曝光率和受欢迎程度的总体增长。

I have spent time recently trying to decide just how to best utilize this powerful tool beyond shared documentation portals — and in the process of evaluating came across a comprehensive index of wikis.

最近,我花了很多时间试图决定如何在共享文档门户之外更好地利用这一强大的工具—在评估过程中遇到了全面的Wiki索引 。

One particular engine I am spending some time with is MediaWiki, although I am far from having completed an exhaustive evaluation of wikis. Somehow I doubt I can actually test them all and will choose the one most flexible and supported (I also have loaded up phpwiki and am kicking it around as well).

我花了一些时间的一个特定引擎是MediaWiki ,尽管我还没有完成对Wiki的详尽评估。 我以某种方式怀疑我是否可以实际测试所有这些,并且会选择最灵活和最受支持的一种(我也已经加载了phpwiki,并且也将其付诸实践)。

MediaWiki happens to power a favorite of my research sites, wikipedia.


Some of my peers at SitePoint have also brought this to the forefront recently, including via this post in the PHP blog — Dynamically Typed.

我在SitePoint上的一些同行最近也将其带到了最前沿,包括通过PHP博客— Dynamically Typed中的这篇文章。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wikis-galore/

