
tech2024-04-10  81


I recently stumbled across a very useful utility that was sorely missing from my system administration toolset. Alien package converter, which I discovered thanks to a Jeremy Garcia article in Linux Magazine, is a powerful little application that converts between rpm (Red Hat), dpkg (Debian), stampede slp, and slackware tgz file formats.

最近,我偶然发现了一个非常有用的实用程序,但我的系统管理工具集中非常缺少该实用程序。 我在《 Linux Magazine》上的Jeremy Garcia文章的帮助下发现了Alien软件包转换器 ,它是一个功能强大的小应用程序,可以在rpm(Red Hat),dpkg(Debian),stamped slp和slackware tgz文件格式之间进行转换。

I can think of several dozen times I have needed something like this in a production environment and am sure I will put it to good use. Nothing more frustrating than endless searches only to find an application you need in the wrong package format!

我可以想到几十次,在生产环境中我需要这样的东西,并且确信我会充分利用它。 无休止的搜索无非就是无休止的搜索,只是以错误的软件包格式找到您需要的应​​用程序!

I would very much so heed the warnings on the site not to use Alien for core system files and libraries.


However, for those who may have different distributions for different purposes, this can be a productivity utility for getting software updated across your servers.


There is an argument here for building from source exlcusively. While that certainly is how many applications were originally intended to be compiled, outside of full time system administrators, I do not know of many professionals who have the time to review every read me and install file and build apps from source with custom configurations.

这里有一个论点是专门从源头构建。 虽然这肯定是最初打算编译的应用程序数量,但没有专职的系统管理员,但我不知道有很多专业人士有时间审查每个自述文件并安装文件并使用自定义配置从源代码构建应用程序。

It is not a lack of passion rather it is demands on their time. After all, time is money.

这不是缺乏激情,而是对他们时间的要求。 毕竟,时间就是金钱。

In an era of “double click to install” – working with package installers and tools such as Alien can save valuable time of which some can be dedicated to then customizing the underlying configuration file(s). This can also make for easier transitions of those coming from non-Linux operating system environments.

在“双击安装”时代–与软件包安装程序和Alien等工具一起使用可以节省宝贵的时间,其中一些时间可以专门用于自定义基础配置文件。 这也可以使来自非Linux操作系统环境的内容更容易过渡。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/alien-package-converter-for-linux/

