
tech2024-04-10  83


Nobody goes into business to lose money. You work hard for every penny, and every penny counts. To have that taken away from you months after a sale was completed is not only bad for business but extremely frustrating. Too many chargebacks usually spells doom for an online merchant.

没有人去亏本生意。 您为每一分钱努力工作,每一分钱都至关重要。 在销售完成几个月后将其从您手中夺走不仅对业务不利,而且极其令人沮丧。 太多的退款通常会给在线商家带来厄运。

The best tools for avoiding a chargeback are not available for online merchants. Retail-style businesses can perform certain actions that render them virtually bulletproof to chargebacks (they’re still vulnerable, so don’t be too envious just yet). They can either swipe the customer’s credit card through a processing terminal or get a manual imprint of the card. Plus they can get a signature on that receipt at the time of sale. All of these methods verify that the customer, merchant, merchandise, and credit card were present and satisfactory at the time of sale. It’s pretty hard to dispute that.

避免退款的最佳工具不适用于在线商家。 零售式企业可以执行某些操作,使其几乎可以抵御扣款(它们仍然很脆弱,因此请不要太羡慕)。 他们可以通过处理终端刷卡客户的信用卡,也可以手动获得该卡的印记。 另外,他们可以在销售时在收据上签名。 所有这些方法都可以验证客户,商人,商品和信用卡在售时是否存在并令人满意。 对此很难质疑。

So what is an online merchant to do? Since giving up is not an option, education and prevention are an online merchant’s best weapons. Having some basic policies and procedures in place can significantly reduce the number of chargebacks your business will receive. In this article, we will discuss the realities of chargebacks and identify some strategies that will lower your potential for needing to deal with them.

那么,在线商人该怎么办? 由于不能放弃,教育和预防是在线商人的最佳武器。 制定一些基本的政策和程序可以大大减少您的企业将收到的拒付款。 在本文中,我们将讨论拒付的现实,并确定一些策略,这些策略将降低您处理这些费用的潜力。

拒付究竟是什么? (What Exactly is a Chargeback?)

A chargeback occurs when a customer contacts a credit card-issuing bank to initiate a refund for a purchase they made on their credit card. The reasons why chargebacks arise can vary greatly but generally, they are the result of a customer being dissatisfied with their purchase.

当客户联系信用卡发卡银行以退款进行退款时,就会发生退款。 产生退款的原因可能有很大的不同,但是通常,这是客户对购买不满意的结果。

The customer may or may not have contacted the merchant about remedying this situation ahead of time. They may even be completely wrong. However, responsibility falls to the seller to ensure that the transaction goes smoothly and the customer is satisfied. A failure somewhere within the fulfillment process, including at the customer service level, can lead to a chargeback.

客户可能会或可能尚未与商家联系,希望提前解决此问题。 他们甚至可能完全错了。 但是,责任在于卖方,以确保交易顺利进行并满足客户要求。 履行过程中某处(包括客户服务级别)的故障可能导致退款。

退款流程 (The Chargeback Process)

The chargeback process is a largely unknown to merchants and can often be a cause of frustration. To assist merchants in understanding the chargeback process, let’s take a look at the chargeback process used by Visa and MasterCard. American Express and Discover Card use a similar process. However, because they do not issue their credit cards through member banks, there are fewer steps involved and the process is usually faster. The process is as follows:

退款流程在很大程度上是商家所不知道的,通常可能会导致沮丧。 为了帮助商家了解退款流程,让我们看一下Visa和MasterCard使用的退款流程。 美国运通卡和发现卡使用类似的过程。 但是,由于他们不通过会员银行发行信用卡,因此所涉及的步骤更少,而且过程通常更快。 流程如下:

The customer disputes a transaction by contacting their card-issuing bank

客户通过联系其发卡银行对交易提出异议 The card-issuing bank researches to determine whether the reasoning for the chargeback is valid. If not, the chargeback is declined and the customer is held responsible for the charge.

发卡银行进行研究以确定拒付的理由是否有效。 如果否,则拒付不予受理,并且由客户负责。 A provisional credit is provided to the customer. The card-issuing bank initiates a chargeback process and obtains credit from the merchant’s processing bank.

临时信用被提供给客户。 发卡银行启动退款处理,并从商户的处理银行获得信用。 The merchant’s processing bank researches the validity of that chargeback. If they determine the chargeback is invalid they will decline the chargeback and return it to the card-issuing bank.

商家的处理银行研究该退款的有效性。 如果他们确定扣款无效,他们将拒绝扣款并将其退回发卡银行。 The chargeback amount is removed from the merchant’s account and the merchant’s processing bank provides written notification to the merchant.

从商家的帐户中扣除退款金额,并且商家的处理银行向商家提供书面通知。 Did a processing error occur? If so, the sale is re-presented to the card-issuing bank for corrections.

是否发生处理错误? 如果是这样,则将该销售重新呈现给发卡银行以进行更正。 The merchant provides documentation to remedy the chargeback. If the provided documentation is found to be satisfactory, the chargeback is declined and the customer is once again charged for the sale. If the documentation is found to be unsatisfactory, the chargeback is successful and the process ends.

商家提供了纠正退款的文件。 如果发现提供的文档令人满意,则拒付款项将被拒绝,并再次向客户收取销售费用。 如果发现文档不令人满意,则退款成功,流程结束。

As you can see, there are multiple steps involving multiple parties, and each step requires the responsible party to dedicate a certain amount of time to its management. The resolution of a typical chargeback can take anywhere from six weeks to six months. If each party takes the maximum amount of time to complete a responsibility, it’s not hard to see how a chargeback can seem to drag on forever.

如您所见,有多个步骤涉及多个参与方,并且每个步骤都要求负责方花费一定的时间来进行管理。 解决典型退款的过程可能需要六周到六个月的时间。 如果各方花费最大的时间来完成一项责任,那么不难发现拒付似乎会永远拖下去。

拒付的原因及其补救措施 (Reasons for Chargebacks and Their Remedies)

Chargebacks can fall into any of five different reason categories:


Point-of-Sale Processing Errors

销售点处理错误 Customer Dispute

客户纠纷 Post-Transaction

交易后 Potential Fraud

潜在欺诈 Authorization-Related


Here, we’re going to cover the three reason categories that most commonly apply to online merchants: Point-of-Sale Errors, Customer Dispute, and Potential Fraud. Within each category, we’ll discuss one or more common reasons for chargebacks. I’ll provide the chargeback code assigned by Visa and MasterCard to each different reason in parentheses. These codes are commonly used it notify a merchant of a chargeback, and have been included for your reference.

在这里,我们将介绍最常应用于在线商家的三个原因类别:销售点错误,客户纠纷和潜在欺诈。 在每个类别中,我们将讨论拒付的一个或多个常见原因。 我将在括号中提供由Visa和万事达卡分配给每个不同原因的拒付代码。 这些代码通常用于将拒付通知商家,并且已包含在内以供您参考。

Point-of-sale Processing Errors


Incorrect Account Number (36)


The card-issuing bank identified the account number on the original transaction receipt as being different from the account number in the record deposited for payment (e.g. the merchant made a data entry error (keyed in the wrong account number for that particular transaction)).


Remedy: Issue a credit back to the customer’s credit card. Re-ring the original sale with the correct credit card number if possible. Further contact with the customer may be necessary to attain corrected credit card information.

补救措施:将信用额度发回客户的信用卡。 如果可能的话,请使用正确的信用卡号重新订购原始销售商品。 为了获得正确的信用卡信息,可能需要与客户进一步联系。

Duplicate Processing (82)


The card-issuing bank received the same transaction more than once for posting to the customer’s account. (e.g. The customer was charged twice for the same transaction).

发卡银行多次收到同一笔交易以过帐到客户的帐户。 (例如,对同一笔交易向客户收取了两次费用)。

Remedy: Issue a credit back to the customer’s credit card.


Customer Disputes


Customer Claims Services Not Performed (30)


The card-issuing bank received a written complaint from a customer stating that a promised service was billed but never performed.


Remedy: If the service was performed, send a copy of an invoice or contract signed by the customer and other evidence that the service was performed to the processing bank. If the service hasn’t been performed because it was set to happen a specified date which has not passed, send a copy of the contract specifying that information to the processing bank.

补救措施:如果执行了该服务,则将客户签署的发票或合同的副本以及该服务已执行的其他证据发送给处理银行。 如果由于设置为发生在指定日期之前尚未执行而未执行该服务,则将指定该信息的合同副本发送给处理银行。

Canceled Recurring Transaction (41)


The card-issuing bank received a claim by a customer that the merchant had been notified to cancel the recurring transaction and has since billed the customer, or the transaction amount exceeded the pre-authorized dollar amount range, or the merchant was to notify the customer prior to processing each recurring transaction and had not done so.


Remedy: Issue a credit back to the customer’s credit card.


Merchandise/Service Not as Described (53)


The card-issuing bank received a written claim that the goods or services were not the same as those shown and described on the documentation presented to the customer at the time of the transaction (on the Website) and the customer attempted to return the merchandise or to cancel the services. Or, if services had already been rendered, customer attempted to resolve the dispute with the merchant.

发卡银行收到书面索赔,要求其商品或服务与交易时(在网站上)提供给客户的文件中显示和描述的商品或服务不同,并且客户试图退还商品或取消服务。 或者,如果已经提供了服务,则客户试图与商家解决纠纷。

Remedy: If the customer has not returned the merchandise, notify your processing bank. The customer must attempt to return the merchandise before attempting a chargeback. If they have already returned the merchandise, or this is a service, issue a credit back to the customer’s credit card.

补救措施:如果客户尚未退货,请通知您的处理银行。 客户必须先退货,然后再进行拒付。 如果他们已经退回商品,或者这是一项服务,则将信用额度返还给客户的信用卡。

Defective Merchandise (56)


The card-issuing bank received a written claim from a customer that merchandise received was damaged, defective, or unsuitable for the purpose sold, and the customer attempted to return the defective merchandise.


Remedy: If the customer has not returned the merchandise, notify your processing bank. The customer must attempt to return the merchandise before attempting a chargeback. If the merchandise was returned, but is not defective, notify your processing bank. If they have already returned the merchandise, and it is defective, issue a credit back to the customer’s credit card.

补救措施:如果客户尚未退货,请通知您的处理银行。 客户必须先退货,然后再进行拒付。 如果商品已退货但不是有缺陷的,请通知您的处理银行。 如果他们已经退回商品,并且商品有缺陷,则将信用额度返还给客户的信用卡。

Customer Claims Merchandise Not Received (90)


The card-issuing bank received a written claim from a customer that merchandise ordered was not received or that the customer canceled the order as the result of not receiving the merchandise by the expected delivery date.


Remedy: If the merchandise was delivered, send all evidence of the delivery to your processing bank. If the chargeback is attempted less then 30 days from the date of sale, send a copy of the transaction to the processing bank showing the 30 days has not yet passed since the sale was performed. Also be sure to state the expected delivery date. You are allowed a fair amount of time to deliver your product.

补救措施:如果商品已交付,请将所有交付证据发送给您的处理银行。 如果尝试从销售日期算起少于30天进行拒付,则将交易副本发送给处理银行,以显示自进行销售以来30天尚未过去。 另外,请务必注明预计的交付日期。 您有足够的时间交付产品。

Potential Fraud


Fraudulent Card-Not-Present Transactions (61)


The card-issuing bank received a written complaint from a customer that stated that he/she neither authorized nor participated in a transaction appearing on his/her billing statement.


Remedy: If you obtained authorization approval, received an exact match to the AVS request (e.g. a match on the customer’s street number and ZIP code), the merchandise was delivered to the AVS address, and you have proof of delivery, provide this information to your processing bank.


拒付的额外负担 (The Additional Burdens of Chargebacks)

Besides losing the money earned from a sale, online businesses incur additional costs — some monetary, some not — that additionally hurt their business. One cost rarely recovered is the cost of shipping merchandise in a disputed sale. If you shipped that package via overnight service to the customer, chances are that you lost an additional $35-$100 on top of your lost sales revenue.

在线业务除了损失从销售中获得的收入外,还会产生额外的成本(有些是货币的,有些不是),这进一步损害了他们的业务。 很少收回的一项成本是有争议的销售中的商品运输成本。 如果您是通过通宵服务将包裹运送给客户的,则很可能在损失的销售收入之上又损失了$ 35- $ 100。

Even worse, if a merchant gets too many chargebacks — usually more than one or two percent of total sales — their merchant account will be terminated by their processor and the merchant will be added to the Terminated Merchant File (also called The Match File). This file is a blacklist that effectively prevents the merchant from ever accepting credit cards again. Needless to say, it’s important to keep chargebacks to an absolute minimum as online merchants have few options for accepting payment and none are as powerful as owning a true merchant account.

甚至更糟的是,如果商家收到太多退款,通常超过总销售额的一或百分之二,则其商家帐户将被其处理器终止,并且该商家将被添加到终止的商家文件(也称为“匹配文件”)中。 此文件是黑名单,可有效阻止商家再次接受信用卡。 不用说,将拒付金额控制在最低限度是很重要的,因为在线商户接受付款的选择很少,而且没有一个拥有真正的商户帐户那么强大。

Even if your online business manages to keep its chargebacks below the 1-2% threshold, any chargeback you receive will require that you spend time researching the sale and gathering the necessary documentation requested by your processing bank. Every online business would rather spend that time promoting their business instead of defending its already completed sales.

即使您的在线业务设法将退款金额保持在1-2%的门槛以下,收到的任何退款都将需要您花时间研究销售并收集加工银行要求的必要文件。 每个在线业务都希望将时间花在促进业务上,而不是捍卫已经完成的销售。

扣款预防 (Chargeback Prevention)

The best way to deal with any chargeback is to prevent it happening in the first place. The following suggestions are very generic and can be used by most businesses to decrease their chargeback potential.

处理任何拒付的最佳方法是首先防止它发生。 以下建议非常通用,大多数企业可以使用这些建议来降低其退款潜力。

Use a clear DBA (Doing Business As) name that customers will recognize. Vague corporate names that do not accurately describe what your company might do or sell will only confuse customers when they review their billing statements. An unrecognized DBA name on billing statements is one of the most common causes of chargebacks.

使用客户可以识别的明确DBA(营商环境)名称。 含糊不清的公司名称不能准确描述您的公司可能会做什么或出售什么,只会使客户在查看帐单时感到困惑。 帐单上无法识别的DBA名称是拒付的最常见原因之一。 Put your phone number on your customers’ statements. If they do not recognize your DBA, they can call you to find out who you are and why you charged them.

将您的电话号码放在客户的对帐单上。 如果他们不认识您的DBA,他们可以打电话给您,以查明您是谁以及向您收费的原因。 Always respond to a chargeback as quickly as possible. A limited amount of time is available to resolve a chargeback. If you miss the window of opportunity to respond, you forfeit your ability to fight the chargeback. If your processing bank has any more questions or requests, your quick response will ensure that they have enough time to get the relevant information from you.

始终尽快回应退款。 有限的时间可用于解决拒付问题。 如果您错过了做出回应的机会之窗,那么您将丧失抗拒退款的能力。 如果您的处理银行还有其他问题或要求,您的快速响应将确保他们有足够的时间从您那里获取相关信息。 Never accept an expired credit card.

切勿接受过期的信用卡。 Obtain authorization for the full amount of the sale. Declined transactions should not be accepted or split into smaller amounts.

获得全额销售授权。 拒绝的交易不应被接受或分成较小的金额。 Some disputes are not the result of unauthorized credit card use. Rather, they start because the customer disputes the quality of the goods or services purchased. The best way to avoid this type of chargeback is to work closely with the customer to establish a mutually satisfactory solution.

某些纠纷不是未经授权使用信用卡的结果。 相反,它们之所以开始,是因为客户对所购买商品或服务的质量提出异议。 避免此类拒付的最佳方法是与客户密切合作,以建立双方满意的解决方案。 Balance each batch to the host or to your tickets; this will help prevent duplicate charges.

平衡每批到主机或您的票证; 这将有助于防止重复收费。 Call or fax any large or suspicious orders to ensure the order is legit. If you are unable to reach the customer, you might have intentionally been given incorrect contact information.

致电或传真任何大的或可疑的订单,以确保订单合法。 如果您无法联系到客户,则可能是故意向您提供了错误的联系信息。 Verify the customer’s address. It is possible to verify the customer’s name, address and phone number with the card-issuing bank. By calling the Voice Authorization Center for address verification, you can verify the address and also provide proof that you verified the address.

验证客户的地址。 可以通过发卡银行验证客户的姓名,地址和电话号码。 通过呼叫语音授权中心进行地址验证,您可以验证地址并提供已验证地址的证据。 Always get signed proof of delivery. Be able to provide a shipping tracer log that shows that the customer received the shipped goods.

务必获得交付证明书。 能够提供显示客户已收到货物的运输跟踪日志。 Charge the customer’s account at the time the goods are shipped. If you know there will be a delay in delivery, wait to process your customer’s credit card.

在发货时向客户的帐户收费。 如果您知道交货会有所延迟,请等待处理客户的信用卡。 Be suspicious of high-ticket sales requested to be sent next-day air or if a runner will be in to pick up the purchase at a later time.

请怀疑第二天要发送的高价机票销售,或者是否有跑步者稍后去接货。 Use the fraud services offered by the processing bank including AVS (Address Verification) and CVV2.

使用处理银行提供的欺诈服务,包括AVS(地址验证)和CVV2。 Have your return/refund policy clearly stated on your Website. Make it a requirement that customers read the policy before their order can be processed.

在您的网站上明确说明您的退货/退款政策。 要求客户在处理订单之前先阅读政策。 Provide accurate descriptions and images of your products on your Website.

在您的网站上提供产品的准确描述和图像。 Be very cautious of any foreign orders. Generally, orders from Asia, the Middle East, and most parts of Africa are considered high-risk.

请谨慎对待任何国外订单。 通常,来自亚洲,中东和非洲大部分地区的订单被认为是高风险的。 Be wary of orders with domestic billing addresses and foreign shipping addresses. They are usually fraudulent.

提防带有国内账单地址和国外发货地址的订单。 他们通常是欺诈性的。 Be wary of orders for which the customer is willing to pay more for faster delivery.

摘要 (Summary)

It’s no secret that online merchants are at a disadvantage when it comes to chargebacks. With no credit card to swipe or receipt to sign, verification of a sale is voodoo at best.

在退款方面,在线商家处于不利地位已不是什么秘密。 无需刷卡即可刷卡或无需签收收据,充其量可以验证销售。

There are new tools available, and more on the way, that aim to reduce online fraud and therefore reduce opportunities for chargebacks. Two similar technologies, Verified by Visa and SecureCode, provided by Visa and MasterCard respectively, will help to verify a customer’s identity at the time of purchase. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, these technologies were not fully supported and have a limited impact on fraud.

有许多新工具可供使用,并且正在陆续推出,旨在减少在线欺诈并因此减少拒付的机会。 分别由Visa和MasterCard提供的两种类似技术,分别由Visa和Visa验证,将有助于在购买时验证客户的身份。 不幸的是,在撰写本文时,这些技术尚未得到完全支持,并且对欺诈的影响有限。

In the meantime, what should you do? Exactly what you’ve always done: make your customers happy by offering them a great product or service, having a customer-centric client satisfaction policy, and providing customers with a positive experience. Just be sure to approach each sale with due diligence and you’ll be keeping your hard-earned money, not giving it back.

同时,您应该怎么做? 正是您始终要做的事情:通过为客户提供优质的产品或服务,制定以客户为中心的客户满意度政策以及为客户提供积极的体验,使客户满意。 只要确保以认真的方式对待每笔交易,您将保留来之不易的钱,而不是退还。


