linux 便携式

tech2024-04-10  81

linux 便携式

Quite the buzz is building over the technology preview released by MetroPipe. This package runs on Damnsmall Linux and uses QEMU (a CPU emulator).

MetroPipe发布的技术预览颇为流行。 该软件包在Damnsmall Linux上运行,并使用QEMU (CPU仿真器)。

Essentially an Internet communication system, it can run entirely on a USB mini-drive key (128 MB) and other flash-media devices, and even iPods. It includes a bootable Linux OS, a web browser (Firefox), email client (Thunderbird), Enigmail GPG (for email encryption) and a persistent home directory.

本质上是Internet通信系统,它可以完全在USB微型驱动器密钥(128 MB)和其他闪存介质设备,甚至iPod上运行。 它包括一个可启动的Linux操作系统,一个Web浏览器(Firefox),电子邮件客户端(Thunderbird),Enigmail GPG(用于电子邮件加密)和一个永久主目录。

It is this last feature that intrigues me from a web application development perspective. The core feature of this portable machine is that while it can run atop a Windows, Linux and OS X (the latter soon) machine, all traces of its activities are segemented on the bootable flash device, this also retaining a level of privacy.

从Web应用程序开发的角度来看,正是这最后一个功能吸引了我。 这种便携式计算机的核心功能是,尽管它可以在Windows,Linux和OS X(不久之后)计算机上运行,​​但其活动的所有痕迹都在可引导闪存设备上进行了细分,这也保留了一定程度的隐私。

This means cookies, logs and other trails of data do not get left behind as remnants on the host machine being used to boot the device – as the virtual machine exists as its own ‘computer’ while parasitically attached to a full computer.


The buzz has been primarily aimed at those seeking privacy and other individual profiles — I am interested in how web developers can find applicability for this in the applications and solutions they build for their clients.


Does this open up windows for sales to companies with large mobile sales forces who need to access and update CRM on the road (who do not always have places to jack up notebooks to the web)? Could they simply be on site closing a sale, and jump onto a machine and update data?

这是否为拥有庞大移动销售队伍的公司打开了销售窗口,这些公司需要在旅途中访问和更新CRM(这些公司并不总是有地方将笔记本电脑推向网络)? 他们可以只是在现场完成一笔交易,然后跳上机器并更新数据吗?

Could a kiosk be deployed for a company and employees able to jack in via USB, download and upload data into web apps, and then simply pop their ‘PC’ into their pocket? What web apps could be deployed to manufacturing environments now, that prior would be considered hostile to multiple PC’s in the production workspace?

是否可以为可通过USB插入,将数据下载并上传到Web应用程序,然后将其“ PC”放到口袋中的公司和员工部署信息亭? 现在可以将哪些Web应用程序部署到制造环境中,而以前的那个Web应用程序又被认为对生产工作空间中的多台PC有害?

Even more — can demos or drafts of web apps now be shipped or handed to clients with complete running environments ready for review?


While only a technology preview at this point, there is great potential for a device such as this, which could be considered slightly more durable and mobile than notebooks, PDA’s and high-end cell phones.



linux 便携式
