6月9号 d总的最后总结

tech2024-04-11  73

6月9号 d总的最后总结

Some interesting things I have found this month on Fedora, SELinux, Google competition perhaps and more…


1) A way to get an insider look at Fedora aside from the RedHat sponsored site is through the Fedora People blog.

1)除了RedHat赞助的网站之外,还可以通过Fedora People博客获得对Fedora的内部了解。

2) SELinux is now in the 2.6 kernel and has some interesting updated capabilities with securing the filesystem through extended attributes and security labels. To insure comprehensive coverage, there is a method to preserve these extended attributes when backing up by using star in place of tar. See the Linux Journal article.

2)SELinux现在处于2.6内核中,并且具有一些有趣的更新功能,可以通过扩展的属性和安全性标签保护文件系统。 为了确保全面覆盖,有一种方法可以在使用星号代替tar进行备份时保留这些扩展属性。 请参阅Linux Journal文章 。

3) The New York Times today ran a piece (free registration) looking at Vivisimo — a company that has honed a clustering search engine technology within corporate environments. They now plan to release clusty.com, which features their functionality that seeks to help users find more useful information faster when large numbers of results are returned in a search. The article is here and here are Clusty and Vivisimo.

3)今天,《纽约时报》刊登了一篇关于Vivisimo的文章(免费注册),该公司已经在公司环境中磨练了集群搜索引擎技术。 他们现在计划发布clusty.com,该网站具有其功能,旨在帮助用户在搜索中返回大量结果时更快地找到更多有用的信息。 本文在这里 ,这里是Clusty和Vivisimo 。

Finally, I discovered an interesting new blog that has a nice balance of open source, development, Macintosh-centric material and blogging tips/hacks talk (especially if you use WordPress and Ecto like I do). Johann Richard’s taking the red pill is a great read.

最终,我发现了一个有趣的新博客,该博客在开源,开发,以Macintosh为中心的材料和博客技巧/技巧讲座之间取得了很好的平衡(特别是如果您像我一样使用WordPress和Ecto)。 约翰·理查德(Johann Richard) 服用红色药丸是一本好书。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/september-wrapup/

6月9号 d总的最后总结
