
tech2024-04-11  83


Marc Liyanage continues to deliver great material to Macintosh developers leveraging open source on their systems. In April – OS X package installers for both PHP 4.3.11 and 5.0.4 were released.

Marc Liyanage继续利用其系统上的开源向Macintosh开发人员提供大量材料。 4月–发布了PHP 4.3.11和5.0.4的OS X软件包安装程序。

Following some basic tips from Liyanage, which he offers on each of his software packages, one can run both releases on the same system – just not simultaneously.


The site also has an active forum for discussing the specific Mac OS X packages Marc builds and distributes.

该站点还有一个活跃的论坛,用于讨论 Marc构建和分发的特定Mac OS X软件包。

For those new to Entropy, Marc uses it primarily to deliver OS X software packages and How-Tos’s for running (compatible with Jaguar and Panther):

对于Entropy的新手,Marc主要使用它来提供OS X软件包和运行方法(与Jaguar和Panther兼容):

MySQL Database Server

MySQL数据库服务器 PostgreSQL Database Server

PostgreSQL数据库服务器 vim 6.1 text editor

vim 6.1文本编辑器 nedit 5.2 X11 text editor

nedit 5.2 X11文本编辑器 t1utils PostScript Type 1 Font Utilities

t1utils PostScript Type 1字体实用程序 TCP Flow Recorder

TCP流量记录仪 ImageMagick Image Manipulation Tools


Marc has also written several of his own apps or add-ins, including:


Quartz Extreme Check, an application that checks if Quartz Extreme acceleration is active.

Quartz Extreme Check,一个检查Quartz Extreme加速是否激活的应用程序。 BBEdit XSLT Language Glossary, a glossary supporting XSLT authors in BBEdit.

BBEdit XSLT语言词汇表,该词汇表支持BBEdit中的XSLT作者。 BBEdit Ant Language Glossary, a glossary supporting authors of Apache Ant Java build description files in BBEdit.

BBEdit Ant语言术语表,该术语表支持Apache Ant Java的作者在BBEdit中构建描述文件。 BBEdit JSP Language Glossary, a glossary supporting JSP authors in BBEdit.

BBEdit JSP语言词汇表,该词汇表支持BBEdit中的JSP作者。 BBEdit Perl Language Glossary, a glossary supporting Perl programmers in BBEdit.

BBEdit Perl语言词汇表,该词汇表支持BBEdit中的Perl程序员。 BBEdit Java Language Glossary, a glossary supporting Java programmers in BBEdit.

BBEdit Java语言词汇表,该词汇表支持BBEdit中的Java程序员。 BBEdit Bourne Shell Glossary, a glossary supporting authors of Bourne Shell (e.g. bash) scripts in BBEdit.

BBEdit Bourne Shell词汇表,该词汇表支持BBEdit中Bourne Shell(例如bash)脚本的作者。 TestXSLT, an application for learning and applying XSLT transformation

TestXSLT,用于学习和应用XSLT转换的应用程序 Checksum is a Cocoa wrapper around the openssl tool for calculating MD5 and other checksums (message digests) of files

校验和是openssl工具周围的可可包装器,用于计算文件的MD5和其他校验和(消息摘要) LeanCalc is a Cocoa calculator program (Panther only).

LeanCalc是可可计算器程序(仅Panther)。 Open Terminal Toolbar Script

打开终端工具栏脚本 Character set conversion scripts in Perl for BBEdit and stand-alone use


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/php-5-and-more-for-os-x/

