
tech2024-04-11  88

There are several elements to securing a Linux server – however – top on the list should be assembling and implementing a firewall. Fortunately Linux comes bearing the gift of a free and robust firewall in Netfilter/iptables.

保护Linux服务器安全有几个要素-但是,列表的顶部应该是组装和实现防火墙。 幸运的是,Linux附带了Netfilter / iptables中免费而强大的防火墙的礼物。

My latest column runs through the essentials of configuring a basic firewall to allow for the exploration of how iptables can cater to the web administrator. As with any exercise – this how-to is not all inclusive and consideration should be given to any specific needs and security issues one might have on their own systems and networks.

我的最新专栏文章介绍了配置基本防火墙的要点,以探讨iptables如何迎合Web管理员。 与任何练习一样,此操作方法并不全面,应考虑一个人可能在自己的系统和网络上遇到的任何特定需求和安全问题。

That said – the firewall built in this article should serve as a good starting point for controlling access to your servers.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/tackling-iptables/
