
tech2024-04-11  88


The W3C is issuing a final call for comments on its draft of Scalable Vector Graphics 1.2. After a review of public input the SVG Working Group will be submitting for candidacy.

W3C正在对其可缩放矢量图形1.2草案进行最终征集评论。 在征询公众意见之后,SVG工作组将提交候选人资格。

If you have not explored SVG yet – put it on your radar. It is an XML-based language for web grapics and can interact with traditional web formats such as gif, jpg, png, html and others.

如果您尚未探索SVG,请把它放在您的雷达上。 它是一种用于Web grapics的基于XML的语言,可以与gif,jpg,png,html等传统网络格式进行交互。

The best way to relay the power of SVG to you is to show it – and no better examples exist than on Adobe’s SVG Zone (Adobe has an excellent viewer to download for free as well). The amazing demos are found here that were created for real world use.

向您传达SVG强大功能的最佳方法就是向您展示,并且没有比Adobe的SVG专区更好的示例(Adobe拥有出色的查看器供免费下载)。 在这里找到了惊人的演示,这些演示是为真实世界使用而创建的。

Once you see them – you will most definitely see the applicability to the web developer and designer’s goals to take applications and user interfaces to the next level.


I personally have been exploring SVG for use in a reporting solution that can generate interactive charts with drill down capabilities. This is for a web application project I have been involved with for nearly 18 months. It is in production for several corporate users – and the next logical step in its roadmap is to take the reporting capabilities (it is a data aggregation, mining and transformation tool) and user interface to a higher level, with more sophisticated charting options.

我个人一直在探索将SVG用于报表解决方案中,该解决方案可以生成具有向下钻取功能的交互式图表。 这是我参与了将近18个月的Web应用程序项目。 它正在为多个公司用户量产-路线图的下一步是将报告功能(它是数据聚合,挖掘和转换工具)和用户界面提高到更高的水平,并提供更复杂的图表选项。

For an excellent ‘get started with SVG’ tutorial (one that I started with as well a while back) — check out this very useful How-To at xml.com.

要获得出色的“ SVG入门”教程(我很早以前就开始学习该教程),请在xml.com上查看此非常有用的“ How-To” 。

NOTE: The Adobe viewer works across multiple platforms – but thought I would add that Mozilla has some native support via builds in CVS if you dare. That link is here — http://www.mozilla.org/projects/svg/.

注意:Adobe查看器可在多个平台上工作-但我想我想补充一点,如果您敢的话,Mozilla通过CVS中的构建具有一些本机支持。 该链接在这里-http: //www.mozilla.org/projects/svg/ 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/scalable-vector-graphics/

