
tech2024-04-11  76

In light of recent news of massive intrusions into enterprise database systems holding sensitive customer information – it is obvious reminders on hardening databases is not old news. Especially considering some of the compromises were executed only because customer data was not encrypted.

鉴于最近有消息称,大量入侵拥有敏感客户信息的企业数据库系统已被入侵–很明显,关于加强数据库的提醒并不是老新闻。 特别是考虑到某些妥协只是因为未加密客户数据而执行的。

Starting with MySQL – I have assembled several links I have collected over time on securing various dbs to make compromise that much more difficult. Some information is basic fundamentals – which is great for those just starting to explore these systems – along with some links to further reading.

从MySQL开始-我收集了一些随着时间的推移收集的有关保护各种数据库的链接,以使折衷变得更加困难。 一些信息是基本的基础知识-对于刚开始探索这些系统的用户来说非常有用-以及一些进一步阅读的链接。

Something to remember (and many readers have suggested they do this already) – always use ssh when administering your remote database servers. If using a GUI tool for remote admin – be sure to select an application that supports port forwarding to a secure port.

需要记住的一点(许多读者建议他们已经这样做了)–在管理远程数据库服务器时始终使用ssh。 如果使用GUI工具进行远程管理–请确保选择支持将端口转发到安全端口的应用程序。

MySQL’s site has some solid basics as well as a great Security Focus article on building a strong MySQL installation.

MySQL的站点具有一些扎实的基础知识 ,以及有关构建强大MySQL安装的出色的Security Focus文章 。

Tips and techniques on some other popular systems include:


IBM’s DB2 – http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=102226&rl=1

IBM的DB2 – http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=102226&rl=1

Microsoft SQL Server: 1) http://www.sqlsecurity.com/DesktopDefault.aspx 2) http://www.microsoft.com/sql/techinfo/administration/2000/security/securingsqlserver.asp

Microsoft SQL Server:1) http://www.sqlsecurity.com/DesktopDefault.aspx 2) http://www.microsoft.com/sql/techinfo/administration/2000/security/securingsqlserver.asp

Oracle – http://www.orafaq.com/faqdbase.htm

Oracle– http://www.orafaq.com/faqdbase.htm

PostgreSQL – http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/admin.html

PostgreSQL – http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/admin.html

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/securing-mysql-and-other-databases/
