c# isdefined

tech2024-04-12  102

c# isdefined

Sean Corfield recently blogged about the choice to use IsDefined vs. structKeyExists when trying to determine if a scoped variable (session, application, request, form url etc), exists or not.

肖恩·科菲尔德(Sean Corfield)最近在博客中写道,在尝试确定范围变量(会话,应用程序,请求,表单url等)是否存在时,选择使用IsDefined还是structKeyExists。

Sean talks about how certain dot noted variables will or won’t be seen with IsDefined, BUT I found the fact that IsDefined looks for ANY possible definition even when the variable you’re searching for has been scoped.


Read his blurb to get the full effect.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/isdefined-vs-structkeyexists/

c# isdefined
