
tech2024-04-12  95


To say I’m excited about the latest book release from Sitepoint is an understatement. “The Flash Anthology: Cool Effects & Practical ActionScript” is the latest offering from Sitepoint for Flash users, and I’m proud to be involved in such a book.

要说我对Sitepoint的最新书籍感到兴奋是轻描淡写。 “ Flash选集:酷效果和实用ActionScript”是Sitepoint为Flash用户提供的最新产品,我为能参与到这本书而感到自豪。

The release of the book occured during my annual leave, so unfortunately I haven’t been able to get to a PC to blog about it, but I will be busy the coming weeks in the Flash Blog as I have some rather interesting commands that you will I’m sure be interested in!

这本书的发行发生在我的年假期间,因此很遗憾,我无法通过PC撰写有关该博客的文章,但接下来的几周我会在Flash Blog中忙碌,因为我有一些相当有趣的命令,我一定会感兴趣的!

Whilst writing the book, I always tried to maintain a sense of reality and not just produce one-shot effects that were little or no use to anyone.


It was to this end that I created a plethora of effects ranging from navigation, sound to video and form creation with their feet firmly planted in the real world. Practically all the examples in the book have extended modifications for each effect to achieve differing results, as well as suggestions on how you can further modify the projects to suit your needs.

为此,我将脚固定在现实世界中,创建了从导航,声音到视频到窗体创建的多种效果。 实际上,本书中的所有示例都针对每种效果进行了扩展修改,以实现不同的结果,并提供了有关如何进一步修改项目以适合您的需求的建议。

I hope you enjoy reading and implementing the effects in the book as much as I did writing them, so keep the comments rolling


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/flash-anthology-excitement/

