
tech2024-04-13  77


One of my favorite tricks to use in Illustrator which I forgot to mention in my “favorite Illustrator tips” blog is Ctrl-D (Command-D), which allows you to duplicate your last transformation and is especially useful when you’re copying objects and want them to be spaced an exact distance apart. The command can be found under Object > Transform > Transform Again. In this example, I’ll make a postage stamp shape, using Ctrl-D to duplicate the circles that I’ll eventually cut out of the sides.

我最喜欢在Illustrator中使用的技巧之一(我在“最喜欢的Illustrator技巧”博客中忘了提及)是Ctrl-D(Command-D),它使您能够复制上一次转换,并且在复制对象时特别有用并希望它们之间有精确的距离。 可以在“对象”>“变换”>“再次变换”下找到该命令。 在此示例中,我将制作邮票形状,使用Ctrl-D复制最终要从侧面切出的圆圈。

Start with a rectangle and a little circle on the edge of the rectangle. (I’m not too concerned with exact dimensions here, so I’ll resize the rectangle “to fit” the circles eventually.)

从一个矩形开始,在矩形的边缘上有一个小圆圈。 (我在这里不太关心确切的尺寸,因此我将最终调整矩形的大小以“适合”圆。)

Use the black arrow tool to select the circle, then Shift-Alt-drag (Shift-Option-drag) the circle to the right to duplicate it (and constrain the movement to a straight line). Move it over as far as you think it will look good when cut out of the rectangle.

使用黑色箭头工具选择圆,然后向右移动Shift并拖动(Shift-Option拖动)到右侧以复制它(并将移动限制为一条直线)。 将其移到您认为在切出矩形后看起来会很好的位置。

Now, don’t do anything else, but immediately hit Ctrl-D (Command-D). The circle will duplicate itself again, at the exact same distance as your original move! Keep hitting Ctrl-D until you have enough circles to fit the top of the rectangle.

现在,不执行其他任何操作,而是立即按Ctrl-D(Command-D)。 圆会再次复制自身,其移动距离与原始移动的距离完全相同! 持续按Ctrl-D,直到您有足够的圆形以适合矩形的顶部为止。

Now, Alt-drag one of the circles to the side of the box to start the vertical line of circles. Shift-alt-drag that new circle down so you have two circles along the vertical side. Ctrl-D to duplicate that move several times until the circles line the vertical side of the box.

现在,按住Alt拖动其中一个圆圈到框的侧面以开始垂直的圆圈线。 按住Shift并按住Alt并拖动该新圆圈,可以在垂直方向上有两个圆圈。 Ctrl-D可以重复几次,直到圆圈沿框的垂直方向排列为止。

What I find is easiest now is to select the top row of circles, then Shift-Alt-drag them down to the bottom line of the box and create a copy. Then I select the vertical column of circles and Shift-Alt-drag them to make a copy on the other side. Finally, I end up with this:

我现在发现最简单的方法是选择圆形的第一行,然后按住Shift并按住Alt的方式将其拖到框的底部,然后创建一个副本。 然后,我选择圆的垂直列,然后按住Shift并拖动它们以在另一侧进行复制。 最后,我得出以下结论:

In the Pathfinder palette, click the “Minus Front” button to cut the circles out of the rectangle to get this result:


And after importing this vector stamp shape into Photoshop, adding a picture, some text layers, and a drop shadow, this is what I get:


I’ll be out of town this next week… so have a great one!



