
tech2024-04-13  79

If you’re a Webmaster whose site receives even a modest amount of traffic, you’ve no doubt dreamed of the untold riches that lie untapped in your traffic stream. The burning question is: "How can I make the most money possible from my Website traffic?" This article will help you answer that question, as we explore several of the most common and profitable methods that are currently being employed to convert page views into dollars:

如果您是一个网站站长,其网站甚至只接收到少量流量,那么您无疑会梦到流量流中未开发的大量财富。 迫在眉睫的问题是:“如何从网站访问量中赚取最多的钱?” 本文将帮助您回答这个问题,我们将探索几种目前最常用的将页面浏览量转换为美元的方法:

Traditional banner advertising

传统横幅广告 Pay-per-click (contextual) banner advertising

每次点击付费(上下文)横幅广告 Subscription revenue

认购收入 Affiliate and CPA programs

会员和注册会计师课程 Text links


We’ll finish up with a review of the finer points of online selling.


传统横幅广告 (Traditional Banner Advertising)

One of the earliest and most prevalent forms of monetizing site traffic is the ubiquitous online banner. Originally most popular in the 468×60 pixel version, banners are now available in many different sizes and shapes. In fact, the Interactive Advertising Bureau now lists 16 standard ad units in its guidelines. It’s not hard to find a site that uses banners: CNN displays a 728×90 banner at the top of the page, eBay uses a 468×60 banner spot at top of listings pages, and AOL displays banners of various sizes throughout the site.

通过网站流量获利的最早也是最普遍的形式之一是无处不在的在线标语。 横幅广告最初是468×60像素版本中最受欢迎的广告,现在可以使用许多不同大小和形状的横幅广告。 实际上,交互式广告局现在在其指南中列出了16个标准广告单元。 找到使用横幅广告的网站并不难: CNN在页面顶部显示728×90横幅广告, eBay在列表页面顶部使用468×60横幅广告位,而AOL在整个网站上显示各种尺寸的横幅广告。

Business Model and Mechanics


The basic business model of the banner is simple: the Website vendor sells page views (impressions) to the advertiser. There are 2 basic banner ad payment models: paying as you go for every thousand impressions delivered, and a flat fee that’s charged regardless of the number of visitors who actually see the ad.

标语的基本业务模型很简单:网站供应商将网页浏览量(展示次数)出售给广告商。 横幅广告有两种基本的付款方式:每交付一千次展示,即付即用;无论实际看到广告的访客数量如何,都收取固定费用。

Under the pay-as-you-go model, the most common metric is cost-per-thousand (impressions), also known as CPM. Prices will vary depending on targeting, volume, term of commitment, and market forces. Typical CPMs for less targeted inventory can range from $0.25 to $5.00 per thousand impressions. Therefore, a media buyer who wishes to purchase 100,000 impressions at a $5 CPM will sign a contract for $5,000. Targeted impressions are worth much more to an advertiser. If your site attracts car enthusiasts who are an attractive demographic for a local or national car dealership, you can expect to command 10 times the rate of untargeted ad inventory. Typical CPMs for targeted inventory run between $10 to over $100 per thousand impressions.

在按需付费模式下,最常见的指标是每千次展示费用(也称为CPM)。 价格将根据目标,数量,承诺期限和市场力量而变化。 目标较少的广告资源的典型每千次展示费用为每千次展示$ 0.25至$ 5.00。 因此,希望以5美元CPM购买100,000次展示的媒体购买者将签订5,000美元的合同。 定向的印象对广告商来说价值更大。 如果您的网站吸引了对于本地或全国汽车经销商而言是有吸引力的人口统计的汽车爱好者,那么您可以期望获得非目标广告库存率的10倍。 目标广告资源的典型每千次展示费用为每千次展示10美元到100美元以上。

It’s also common for a site to charge a media buyer a flat fee for an advertising spot. Depending on the placement and traffic, the fees can be quite high. For instance, a fixed placement on the home page, in a prominent spot, with a 100% share of voice on a targeted site is quite desirable.

网站向媒体购买者收取广告位固定费用也很普遍。 根据位置和交通情况,费用可能会很高。 例如,非常希望将主页上的固定位置放在突出位置,并在目标站点上拥有100%的语音份额。

The advantage of running banner advertising on your site is that you may be able to get paid purely on the basis of page views, thereby monetizing all your available inventory. The drawback may be that not everyone is willing to pay simply to be seen: often, advertisers demand a response to the advertising. Media buyers may be looking for a per-click type of payment arrangement.

在您的网站上投放横幅广告的好处是,您可以纯粹根据网页浏览量获得报酬,从而将所有可用广告资源获利。 缺点可能是,并非每个人都愿意为仅仅被看到而付出:通常,广告商要求对广告做出回应。 媒体购买者可能正在寻找按点击类型的付款方式。

The main disadvantage of running banners on your site is probably the adoption of maintenance responsibilities for someone else’s creative units, and the responsibility for a banner’s performance even if the banner is poorly designed, or the advertiser’s Website doesn’t convert well.


To make real money from banner ads, it’s essential that you have a clear idea of how many unique visitors visit your site, and how many page views they generate — data that any decent Web analytics program will show. You then have a basis on which you can establish realistic expectations of how much money you might earn.

为了从横幅广告中赚钱,您必须清楚地知道有多少唯一访问者访问您的网站,以及他们产生了多少页面浏览量-任何体面的Web分析程序都将显示这些数据。 然后,您就有一个基础,可以对可以赚多少钱建立切合实际的期望。

Next, decide where on your site you’re going to display advertising banners. I would suggest testing ads both at the top and bottom of your pages — this is a proven model that has worked well for large publishers. Once you’ve decided on ad placements, you should set up an ad server to display the banners, and keep track of pages views and click throughs. I would also suggest developing several banners that ‘sell’ the ad space, which can run when you have excess inventory. The banner might say something like, "See Your Ad Here — Contact Us to Advertise," and link to your advertising rates page.

接下来,确定您要在网站上的哪个位置展示广告横幅。 我建议您在网页的顶部和底部都测试广告-这是一种行之有效的模型,对大型发布商来说效果很好。 确定广告展示位置后,您应该设置广告服务器以显示横幅,并跟踪页面浏览量和点击率。 我还建议您开发一些横幅广告,以“出售”广告空间,当广告资源过多时就可以投放。 标语可能会说“在这里看到您的广告-联系我们进行广告”之类的内容,然后链接到您的广告费率页面。

Once your ad server is set up, sell! This is a hurdle for many; we’ll address it later in this article.

设置好广告服务器后,出售! 这对许多人来说是一个障碍。 我们将在本文后面解决。

每次点击付费(内容相关)横幅广告 (Pay-Per-Click (Contextual) Banner Advertising)

With the emergence of Google’s AdWords and AdSense programs, the business of pay-per-click banners has exploded. This type of ad unit offers the tantalizing combination of ease-of-use and payouts for each and every click, regardless of whether that visitor converts to sale or not. It’s no wonder this unit is so popular with the likes of Slashdot, which shows PPC marketplace links on the right-hand side of the site’s main categories and posts, and Go.com, which uses Yahoo! Search Sponsored Results to power its search function. And these are just two among many, many other sites.

随着Google的AdWords和AdSense计划的兴起,按点击付费横幅广告业务开始爆炸式增长。 无论访问者是否转化为销售,这种广告单元都为每次点击提供了易用性和支出的诱人组合。 毫无疑问,这个部门如此受Slashdot之类的欢迎 ,它在该站点的主要类别和帖子的右侧显示了PPC市场链接,而Go.com使用了Yahoo!。 搜索赞助结果以增强其搜索功能。 这些只是许多其他站点中的两个。

Business Model and Mechanics


As the name implies, pay-per-click banners are ad units that pay out each time they’re clicked (with obvious fraud prevention engaged to prevent self-enrichment). These ads are sometimes called ‘contextual’ advertising, as the ad suppliers will often regulate where specific ads are placed, to ensure that they’re relevant to the Web page on which they’re viewed, and the audience that sees them.

顾名思义,按点击付费横幅广告是每次点击都会支付的广告单元(采用了明显的欺诈预防措施,以防止自我充实)。 这些广告有时被称为“上下文”广告,因为广告供应商通常会规范放置特定广告的位置,以确保它们与所查看的网页以及所看到的受众相关。

The bounty paid out on each click is usually determined by the value of that click as set by the advertiser. This is a nice way of saying that you really don’t know what you’re going to earn from any given click until you check the back-end reporting.

每次点击支付的赏金通常由广告客户设置的点击价值决定。 这是一个很好的说法,直到您检查了后端报告,您才真正知道从任何给定的点击中将获得什么。

Don’t neglect checking out alternatives to Google’s AdSense program. While Google is large and established, many smaller services actually share more of the advertising revenue with you. For example, bidvertiser.com is one alternative that pays out at a much lower threshold ($10) than Google. Also, if you specialize in Webmaster or Web hosting-related traffic, a new service at Webmaster911 offers much higher revenue sharing than Google currently offers.

不要忽略签出Google AdSense计划的替代方案。 尽管Google规模庞大且规模庞大,但实际上许多小型服务与您分享了更多的广告收入。 例如, bidvertiser.com是一种付款方式,其付款门槛($ 10)比Google低得多。 另外,如果您专门研究与Webmaster或Web托管相关的流量, Webmaster911的一项新服务将提供比Google当前更高的收益共享。

订阅收入 (Subscription Revenue)

Any site that has recurring or frequently refreshed content may be a good candidate for a subscription revenue model. News sites fall into this category, with the Wall Street Journal and CNN offering some form of subscription service for their online content.

具有重复内容或频繁刷新内容的任何网站都可以成为订阅收入模型的理想选择。 新闻网站属于此类,《华尔街日报》和CNN为其在线内容提供某种形式的订阅服务。

Business Model and Mechanics


Subscription-based services migrated from the offline world to the online world. The most common forms of subscriptions were originally used for newspapers or magazines. The end-user of the news or information service typically pays a weekly or monthly recurring service fee (subscription fee) to have full access to the publisher’s content. The practical implementation of this model online may work as follows.

基于订阅的服务从离线世界迁移到了在线世界。 最常见的订阅形式最初用于报纸或杂志。 新闻或信息服务的最终用户通常需要支付每周或每月的定期服务费(订阅费),才能完全访问发布者的内容。 该模型在线的实际实现可以按如下方式进行。

A publisher offers additional coverage, or premium content that is only available to subscribers. Under this model, the content is usually in a special password-protected area of the site. A new subscriber may gain access to the content by filling out an online form including (usually) credit card information for billing purposes. Once the credit card transaction has been authorized, the subscriber is emailed a unique and secure password permitting access to the subscription-only content. Typical subscription fees are in the range of $10 per month. For example, CNN charges $12.99 per month for its ‘NewsPass,’ which permits access to premium streaming video content on the site. The Wall Street Journal currently charges $6.95 per month for access to online content for those not already subscribed to the print edition.

发布者提供仅订阅者可用的附加报道或高级内容。 在这种模式下,内容通常位于站点的特殊密码保护区域中。 新订户可以通过填写在线表格来获取对内容的访问权,该表格包括(通常)用于结算的信用卡信息。 信用卡交易获得授权后,会通过电子邮件向订户发送一个唯一且安全的密码,以允许访问仅订阅内容。 典型的订阅费用为每月10美元。 例如, CNN的“ NewsPass”每月收费12.99美元,它允许访问该网站上的高级流视频内容。 《华尔街日报》目前为那些尚未订阅印刷版的人收取每月6.95美元的在线内容访问费。

A hybrid of the pure subscription model is simply to charge an increasing fee as access to higher level services increases. This model is common in online forums, where additional charges are levied to access certain forums, or users’ signature lines are expanded at higher fee levels.

纯订阅模式的一种混合方式是,随着对高级服务的访问增加,收取的费用也越来越多。 这种模式在在线论坛中很常见,在这种情况下,访问某些论坛会收取额外费用,或者以更高的费用级别扩展用户的签名行。

会员和注册会计师课程 (Affiliate and CPA Programs)

Affiliate programs have existed from the infancy of the Internet. Amazon.com was an early adopter, and was able to convince many Webmasters to offer relevant books for sale on the site in exchange for a share of the profits — today, Amazon has an extensive affiliate program. Affiliate programs have matured considerably since then, and there are now many more options for making money from your site traffic.

从Internet诞生起就存在会员计划。 Amazon.com是一个早期采用者,并且能够说服许多网站管理员在网站上出售相关书籍以换取一部分利润—今天, 亚马逊拥有广泛的会员计划 。 从那时起,会员计划已经相当成熟,现在有更多的选择可以通过您的网站流量赚钱。

Basic Business Model


Affiliate programs essentially work like this: the Website owner (affiliate) offers the merchant’s goods for sale on the affiliate Website. When a visitor clicks through the affiliate link, an identification code is associated with the visit (usually via a cookie) and in the event that the visitor takes the appropriate action (visit, conversion to a lead, conversion to a sale) then the affiliate is paid by the merchant. The merchant or affiliate network will also usually provide tools for the affiliate to monitor various metrics, such as the number of visitors sent to a merchant site, the number of clicks or sales generated, and the earnings accumulated.

会员计划基本上是这样工作的:网站所有者(会员)在会员网站上提供商人的待售商品。 当访问者点击会员链接时,识别码与访问相关联(通常通过cookie),并且如果访问者采取了适当的行动(访问,转换为销售线索,转换为销售),则该访问会员由商人支付。 商家或联属网络通常会为联属网络提供工具,以监控各种指标,例如发送到商家站点的访问者数量,产生的点击或销售数量以及累积的收入。

Affiliate relationships may be established either with each merchant directly, or through an established third-party affiliate network. The two most popular third party affiliate networks are Linkshare and Commission Junction.

可以直接与每个商家建立联系,也可以通过已建立的第三方联系网络建立联系。 最受欢迎的两个第三方联属网络是Linkshare和Commission Junction 。

Linkshare boasts that it has created the largest network of affiliate partners of any program provider — over 10 million partnerships — in addition to becoming the first affiliate network provider to achieve sustained profitability. Linkshare also lays claim to being a pioneer in online affiliate marketing. The Linkshare network is touted by the company as the largest pay for performance affiliate marketing network on the Internet.

Linkshare自豪地说,除了成为第一个实现持续盈利的会员网络提供商之外,它还创建了任何计划提供商中最大的会员合作伙伴网络-超过1000万个合作伙伴。 Linkshare还声称自己是在线会员营销的先驱。 该公司称Linkshare网络是Internet上绩效联盟营销网络的最大收入。

Heidi Messer, President and COO of LinkShare Corporation sums up the service this way:

LinkShare Corporation总裁兼首席运营官Heidi Messer通过以下方式总结了服务:

If you are looking to partner with the Internet’s top brands, then LinkShare is the affiliate network to join. Find programs for Fortune 500 and other leading companies such as American Express, Avon, Dell, Office Depot, Apple Store, 1-800-Flowers, and more – only at LinkShare. We don’t use cookies to track, so you don’t have to worry about blocked or disabled cookies. And with our proprietary SynergyAnalytics application, LinkShare affiliates have a wealth of information and reports not available anywhere else to help them optimize their relationships. We’re the leaders in the industry, and will continue to pave the way in both service and technology to foster profitable relationships online.

如果您希望与Internet的顶级品牌合作,那么LinkShare是加入的会员网络。 仅在LinkShare上查找《财富》 500强和其他领先公司(如美国运通,雅芳,戴尔,Office Depot,Apple Store,1-800-Flowers等)的计划。 我们不使用cookie进行跟踪,因此您不必担心被阻止或禁用的cookie。 借助我们专有的SynergyAnalytics应用程序,LinkShare会员可以获得大量信息和报告,这些信息和报告在其他任何地方都无法帮助他们优化关系。 我们是该行业的领导者,并将继续为服务和技术铺平道路,以建立在线有利可图的关系。

文字连结 (Text Links)

In this era of ferociously competitive search engine optimization, competitive online marketing, and the race to appear first in the search engine results, an active market has arisen in the buying and selling of text links.


The beauty of text links from the Website owner’s (or seller’s) perspective is this: in order to boost search engine placement, the link must go directly to the Web page that’s being optimized. There can be no tracking mechanism, or third party ad serving to interrupt the click. Therefore, these links are not scrutinized in the same manner that more conventional advertising is. It’s simply not that important how much traffic comes through the link, or whether it’s really being noticed by site visitors at all. This means you can have the links tucked away at the very bottom of your pages in a footer, and use a small font. The links can be very unobtrusive to your regular site traffic: as long as your Website meets the buyer’s criteria, they will continue to pay for the link. Of course, as the likes of the TopXML and phpbb sites show, text links can be cleverly integrated into a site’s design to provide a prominent advertising feature.

从网站所有者(或卖方)的角度来看,文本链接的美妙之处在于:为了提高搜索引擎的排名,该链接必须直接转到正在优化的网页上。 不能使用跟踪机制,也不能使用第三方广告来中断点击。 因此,这些链接的审查方式与常规广告不同。 根本不重要的是通过链接传递多少流量,或者是否真的被站点访问者完全注意到。 这意味着您可以在页脚的底部放置链接,并使用小字体。 链接对您的常规站点访问量可能不会很碍眼:只要您的网站符合买方的条件,他们将继续为链接付费。 当然,正如TopXML和phpbb网站所显示的那样,可以将文本链接巧妙地集成到网站的设计中,以提供突出的广告功能。

So what criteria do buyers look for, and what are they willing to pay? You can check the spot market for text links at sites like http://www.linkadage.com/Auction/XcAuctionPro.asp.

那么,买家寻找什么标准,他们愿意支付什么呢? 您可以在http://www.linkadage.com/Auction/XcAuctionPro.asp等网站上检查现货市场上的文本链接。

Another benefit of text link selling is that you don’t have to really maintain the ‘ad’ at all. As long as the link is active on the page, you’ve done your part. This is much less labor and resource intensive than building an ad server into your site, rotating ads, and keeping creatives up-to-date.

文字链接销售的另一个好处是,您根本不需要真正维护“广告”。 只要页面上的链接处于活动状态,您就已经完成了自己的任务。 与在站点中构建广告服务器,轮播广告并保持广告素材为最新状态相比,这要少得多的人力和资源。

Finally, as if it weren’t already a great deal, you can have up to 20 text links on a page without suffering any negative consequences in the search engines. So, even if you only sell your links for $25 each (read: cheap) you can still net $500 per month just for letting the links sit there.

最后,好像还不算什么,您最多可以在一个页面上有20个文本链接,而不会在搜索引擎中造成任何负面影响。 因此,即使您仅以每个25美元的价格出售链接(阅读:便宜),您仍然可以每月仅赚取500美元,仅是让链接坐在那儿即可。

关于销售的话 (A Word on Selling)

Let’s face it: even the most attractive inventory won’t move unless someone gets out there and sells it. That someone may have to be you, if you’re an entrepreneur. Many people view selling with disdain, or they hate the rejection that goes hand-in-hand with the selling profession. You’ve got to get over this in order to be successful in translating your page views into dollars. If you can’t do it yourself, then work out a commission-only arrangement with someone who can sell your inventory.

让我们面对现实:即使是最有吸引力的库存也不会动摇,除非有人到那里出售。 如果您是企业家,可能有人必须是您。 许多人不屑于销售,或者讨厌与销售行业并驾齐驱的拒绝。 为了成功将页面浏览量转换为美元,您必须克服这一点。 如果您自己做不到,请与可以出售您库存的人制定仅佣金安排。

Jean Landry is a sales executive with The Globe and Mail, Canada’s National Newspaper, daily offering readers from coast to coast unparalleled national, international and business reporting, analysis and commentary. The Globe and Mail has nearly 1,000,000 readers each weekday and even more on weekends: their online version at globeandmail.com attracts over 2.5 million visitors per month.

让·兰德里(Jean Landry)是加拿大国家报纸《环球邮报》的销售主管,每天为各地读者提供无与伦比的国家,国际和商业报道,分析和评论。 Globe and Mail每个工作日都有近100万读者,而周末则更多: globeandmail.com的在线版本每月吸引超过250万访问者。

Jean offers the following key selling points for Webmasters:


Know your audience. Conduct a user survey and collect research when your visitors sign up for newsletters, pdf’s, and registrations. Carefully profile your visitors. You may think you know who your visitors are, but you’ll need to prove it to people, especially when HP says they want to buy up 10 million impressions from you for $50,000/month — they’ll most certainly want more than who you think is coming to your site.

了解你的听众。 当您的访问者注册新闻通讯,pdf和注册时,进行用户调查并收集研究。 仔细地描述您的访客。 您可能会认为自己知道访问者是谁,但是您需要向人们证明这一点,尤其是当HP表示他们想以每月50,000美元的价格从您那里购买1000万次展示时–他们肯定会比您想要的人更多认为即将来到您的网站。 Know your competition. Find out what your competitors are charging for their ad space, what ad unit sizes they are offering and what advertisers want. You may keep an eye on your competitors, as well, to determine their inventory churn or rollover. If you go back every 2 to 4 weeks and you see new advertisers all the time, it either means the site has a really aggressive sales person, or that it can’t return results for advertisers, so clients are canceling.

了解您的竞争。 找出竞争对手向他们的广告空间收费,他们提供的广告单元尺寸以及广告商想要什么。 您也可能需要注意竞争对手,以确定他们的库存流失或结转。 如果您每隔2到4周返回一次,并且总是看到新的广告客户,则说明该网站的销售人员非常有进取心,或者该网站无法为广告客户返回结果,因此客户正在取消。 Understand the language and understand the benefits and uniqueness of online advertising as an advertising medium. What’s a cpm? What’s a clickthrough? What does CPA stand for? A few months ago, we interviewed people for an online sales position and candidates couldn’t answer those questions. Spend a little less time watching TV and a little more time reading Clickz.com, eMarketer.com, and MarketingFind.com, or check out adglossary.com. Industry knowledge and research can really help you move your inventory and sell online advertising. For example, I bet you didn’t know that Internet accounts for about the same % of media time for consumers as TV now — each accounts for 30% of their media usage time! However only 4% of media budgets are going towards online, while about 25% are going towards TV …sounds like a pretty good opportunity to reach a huge untapped audience doesn’t it?

理解语言并了解在线广告作为广告媒介的好处和独特性。 每千次展示费用是多少? 什么是点击率? CPA代表什么? 几个月前,我们采访了一个在线销售人员,候选人无法回答这些问题。 花更少的时间看电视,而花更多的时间阅读Clickz.com,eMarketer.com和MarketingFind.com,或查看adglossary.com。 行业知识和研究可以真正帮助您转移库存并出售在线广告。 例如,我敢打赌,您不知道互联网现在为消费者所占的媒体时间百分比与电视所占的百分比大致相同-每个互联网占其媒体使用时间的30%! 但是,只有4%的媒体预算用于在线,而大约25%的预算用于电视……听起来像是一个很好的机会,可以吸引大量未开发的受众,不是吗? Be creative! Online advertising is boring and predictable and doomed for failure if all you are going to sell is the standard 468×60 banner at the top of your Web page. Ever heard of banner blindness or banner burnout? It means your visitors tend to ignore the most common or basic forms of advertising online if you don’t put some thought into their delivery and placement. You need to think about offering content sponsorships on your site, targeting your ads to geographic regions, day of week delivery, etc. Think strategic and offer strategic advertising solutions. If you have a section of your site dedicated to Web design, why not think of a creative way for a major brand’s new Web service to sponsor it with customized buttons, content, or an online custom quote service?

有创造力! 如果您要出售的是网页顶部的标准468×60标语,则在线广告很无聊且可预测,并且注定要失败。 听说过横幅失明或横幅枯竭吗? 这意味着,如果您不考虑广告的投放和展示位置,访问者往往会忽略最常见或最基本的在线广告形式。 您需要考虑在您的网站上提供内容赞助,将广告定位到地理区域,一周中的某天等。考虑战略性并提供战略性广告解决方案。 如果您的网站上有专门用于Web设计的部分,为什么不考虑一个主要品牌的新Web服务以定制按钮,内容或在线定制报价服务来赞助它的创造性方法呢? Be aggressive in your sales…but be professional! And remember online advertising is not new, it’s not trivial, and it shouldn’t be given away for free or always be performance based. Don’t be pushed around by arrogant media buyers who think that they can bully you into not paying their balance just because they didn’t make 15 sales (not to mention the fact that they never signed a cost per acquisition agreement — CPA).

积极进取,但要专业! 而且请记住,在线广告并不是新鲜事物,它也不是琐碎的事情,不应免费赠送它,或者永远基于性能。 不要被傲慢的媒体购买者所吸引,他们认为他们可以仅仅因为他们没有进行15次销售就欺负您不支付余额(更不用说他们从未签署过每次购买费用协议-CPA的事实)。
摘要 (Summary)

Converting Web traffic into sales revenue takes persistence, experimentation, and great salesmanship. The methods mentioned in this article: Traditional Banner Advertising, Pay-Per-Click (Contextual) Banner Advertising, Subscriptions, Affiliate and CPA Programs, and sales of Text Links are proven models for creating cash from visitors. Select the techniques and models that are a good fit for your Website and personality — then get started making money! Good luck converting your site traffic into a viable revenue stream.

将Web流量转换为销售收入需要持久性,实验性和出色的销售技巧。 本文提到的方法:传统的横幅广告,按点击数付费(上下文)横幅广告,订阅,会员和CPA计划以及文本链接的销售是证明可以从访问者那里赚钱的模型。 选择最适合您的网站和个性的技术和模型-然后开始赚钱! 祝您好运,将您的网站访问量转化为可行的收入来源。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/make-money-content-site/
