
tech2024-04-13  81


The world’s most powerful brand is turning 10 years old this month, and Google today launched a web site to celebrate its first double digit birthday. The 10th birthday site, which is currently linked from the main page at Google.com, features an interactive time line detailing Google’s history.

这个世界上最强大的品牌本月已经有10周年历史了,Google今天启动了一个网站庆祝其第一个两位数生日。 第10个生日网站目前已从Google.com的主页链接到该网站 ,其互动时间轴详细介绍了Google的历史。

The time line, which is actually a visual representation of the milestones page from Google’s corporate information site, details the company’s history from Larry Page and Sergey Brin’s fortuitous meeting on the Stanford campus in 1995, to Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim’s initial $100,000 investment, through their 2004 IPO, and this July’s announcement that Google now recognizes over 1 trillion unique URLs.

时间轴实际上是Google公司信息网站上里程碑页面的直观表示,详细描述了公司的历史,从1995年拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)在斯坦福校区偶然的会议上到太阳联合创始人安迪·贝托尔斯海姆(Andy Bechtolsheim)最初的100,000美元投资,通过2004年的首次公开募股,以及今年7月宣布Google现在可以识别超过1万亿个唯一URL。

The site also gathers and links to all of the ten years out blog posts that Google published this month to celebrate its birthday, in which its top engineers and executives predict what the web might look like ten years from now. While none of the content is really new, the presentation is nice and it’s fun to scan through the time line. I definitely picked up some tidbits about Google’s history that I either didn’t know or had forgotten.

该网站还收集并链接到Google本月为庆祝其生日而发布的所有十年博客文章,其高层工程师和高管在其中预测了十年后网络的样子。 尽管这些内容都不是真正的新内容,但是演示文稿很好,可以在时间轴上浏览很有趣。 我肯定会收到一些我不知道或忘记的关于Google历史的花絮。

Perhaps the bigger piece of Google’s birthday celebration, though, is the launch of Project 10100. Project 10100 is “a call for ideas to change the world by helping as many people as possible.” Google is committing $10 million to fund five ideas that its advisory panel and the public think will have the biggest impact on the world.

不过,也许Google生日庆祝活动中最大的一环就是Project 10 100的发布 。 10 100项目是“呼吁人们通过帮助尽可能多的人来改变世界的想法。” Google承诺出资1000万美元,资助其咨询小组和公众认为会对世界产生最大影响的五个想法。

Google is calling for idea submissions in eight categories including energy, environment, education, and health until October 20th. Google employees will then choose their favorite 100 ideas and the public will vote for the top twenty. An advisory board will then select the top 5 ideas sometime in early February of 2009.

Google要求在10月20日之前提交包括能源,环境,教育和健康在内的八个类别的想法。 然后,Google员工将选择自己喜欢的100个想法,然后公众将投票选出前20个想法。 然后,咨询委员会将在2009年2月上旬的某个时候选择排名前5位的想法。

Google says it will evaluate ideas based on the following criteria:


Reach: How many people would this idea affect?

影响范围 :这个想法会影响多少人?

Depth: How deeply are people impacted? How urgent is the need?

深度 :人们受到的影响有多深? 需求有多紧急?

Attainability: Can this idea be implemented within a year or two?

可行性 :这一想法在一两年内实现?

Efficiency: How simple and cost-effective is your idea?

效率 :您的想法多么简单和具有成本效益?

Longevity: How long will the idea’s impact last?

长寿 :这个想法的影响能持续多久?

The winning ideas will get some portion of the pledged $10 million (Google doesn’t say that each idea will get the same amount) and Google will decide which organizations or individuals are best suited to implement the idea. That’s likely not the person who submitted the winning suggestion, though — so, Project 10100 isn’t a way to get funding for your altruistic/non-profit idea.

获胜的创意将获得所承诺的1000万美元的一部分(Google不会说每个创意都会得到相同的金额),Google会决定最适合实施该创意的组织或个人。 但是,可能不是提交获奖建议的人-因此,Project 10 100并不是为您的无私/非营利想法筹集资金的方法。

Why is Google doing it? According to them, they believe that “helping people is a good thing, and empowering people to help others is an even better thing.” Plus, they have to do something with all that money. (Cynicism aside, this is a really cool project.)

Google为什么要这么做? 他们认为,“帮助人民是一件好事,而赋予人民帮助他人的事是更好的事。” 另外,他们必须用所有这些钱做些事。 (除了犬儒主义,这是一个非常酷的项目。)

Below is a video from Google explaining the project:


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/google-celebrates-10th-birthday-gives-away-money/

