mac os x x64

tech2024-04-13  92

mac os x x64

Apple has published an excellent guide to installing, configuring and running X11 on OS X at the Apple Developers Connection. The post includes excellent detail on getting the environment setup to your preference and also on working with remote servers.

Apple已在Apple Developers Connection上发布了出色的指南,用于在OS X上安装,配置和运行X11。 该帖子包括有关使环境设置达到您的喜好以及使用远程服务器的出色细节。

There are some trade-offs considering the core Terminal in OS X has very nice integration with the GUI such as drag and drop. However, when you need an environment to run X11 apps – you cannot beat having the core BSD-Unix kernel of Darwin to run X11 on and still having immediate access to OS X.

考虑到OS X中的核心终端与GUI的集成非常好,因此存在一些权衡,例如拖放。 但是,当您需要一个环境来运行X11应用程序时–您无法击败拥有Darwin的BSD-Unix核心内核来运行X11并仍然可以立即访问OS X的情况。

One nice feature of X11 on the Mac is Finder integration – meaning if you double-click on an X11 app in OS X it will launch in X11.

在Mac上X11的一个不错的功能是Finder集成-意味着如果您在OS X中双击一个X11应用程序,它将在X11中启动。


mac os x x64

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