
tech2024-04-13  89


For web developers on Mac OS X, there is a wonderful and powerful hidden tool in Safari that in part functions like the Firefox extension Web Developer. Though it does not have quite the same depth as Chris Pederick’s tool.

对于Mac OS X上的Web开发人员而言,Safari中提供了一个出色而强大的隐藏工具,其一部分功能类似于Firefox扩展Web Developer 。 尽管它的深度与Chris Pederick的工具不同。

The Safari Debug menu can be activated with a simple command in OS X’s Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/ At the initial shell prompt typing ‘defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1’ (with Safari closed) will add one additional menu item upon its next launch. By changing the 1 to a 0 the Debug menu can be turned back off.

可以在OS X的终端(/Applications/Utilities/中使用简单的命令激活Safari调试菜单。 在最初的shell提示符下,键入“默认值,写入 IncludeDebugMenu 1”(关闭Safari)将在下次启动时添加一个附加菜单项。 通过将1更改为0,可以关闭“调试”菜单。

The extra menu has several nice tools, most straightforward but still largely undocumented. These include a page load tester similar to what ab can do for performance testing Apache (could possibly be leveraging it), access to viewing a document’s architecture (tree views), User-Agent masquerading and JavaScript debugging.

额外的菜单有几个不错的工具,最直接但最基本的是没有文档。 其中包括类似于ab可以进行Apache性能测试的页面加载测试器(可能利用它),访问查看文档的体系结构(树形视图),伪装用户代理和JavaScript调试的访问权限。

There are more handy tidbits – for instance opening the same page in multiple other browsers installed on your Mac for preview tests via a single click within Safari, and some limited SSL debugging.


Finally – a nice little bookmark importer for Mozilla, IE and Netscape (sorely missing in Safari without the Debug menu on!) and the capability to export Safari bookmarks rounds it out on the convenience scale.

最后– Mozilla,IE和Netscape的一个不错的小书签导入器(在没有打开Debug菜单的情况下,在Safari中丢失了!),并且能够导出Safari书签,这在便利程度上更加出色。


