
tech2024-04-14  88


Going just a bit off topic, I wanted to review a recent small and medium business (SMB) survey released by the Yankee Group on web hosting.

我只想讨论一下话题,我想回顾一下Yankee Group在网络托管上发布的最近的中小企业(SMB)调查。

The challenge over the past 5 years has changed as hosting became a commodity. This largely happened as enterprise entrants to the hosting market discovered they were competing against small regional hosting companies who maintained some level of profitability while severely undercutting prices.

随着托管成为一种商品,过去5年的挑战已经改变。 这主要是由于进入托管市场的企业发现他们正在与小型区域托管公司竞争,这些公司在保持一定程度的盈利能力的同时严重降低了价格。

Now, lining up web hosts for comparison, the services are primarily all the same and it really comes down to add-on services, customer care and reliability.


There is a real challenge and a real opportunity for web designers and developers based on the survey results. The good news in the survey, 36 to 60 percent of SMB’s with Internet access have a web site, meaning 40 percent remain for cultivation of new business. Add on the ability to sell services to that 36 to 60 percent whose sites need an overhaul or a nip and tuck and some serious sales opportunity surfaces.

根据调查结果,网页设计师和开发人员面临着真正的挑战和机遇。 调查中的好消息是,有36%到60%的具有互联网访问权限的SMB都有一个网站,这意味着仍有40%的人用于培养新业务。 可以将服务销售能力提高到36%至60%的人,这些人的站点需要进行大修或压裂,并且需要认真对待一些销售机会。

What was really striking is that more than 20 percent acknowledged the need to integrate internal systems with web sites. Even better, more than 25 percent suggested they would migrate away from static, marketing-oriented sites to dynamic, database-driven sites over the next 12 months.

真正令人惊讶的是,超过20%的人承认需要将内部系统与网站集成。 甚至更好的是,超过25%的人建议他们在未来12个月内从静态的,面向市场的站点迁移到动态的,数据库驱动的站点。

The challenges surface in SMB’s perceptions on traffic, content management and cost. Even as the economy balances out in some areas of the world, in general, it remains tentative. SMB’s are expecting more bang for their buck and want increased traffic to their sites, easier methods for content management and perceived value for their investments in design and development.

中小型企业对流量,内容管理和成本的看法面临挑战。 总体而言,即使经济在世界某些地区达到平衡,它仍然是暂时的。 SMB希望自己能赚更多的钱,并希望增加网站访问量,更轻松的内容管理方法以及可观的投资设计和开发价值。

My recommendation here is to start by studying Andrew Neitlich’s blog on the business of selling web services and solutions. Conveniently, it is right here at SitePoint!

我的建议是从研究Andrew Neitlich关于销售Web服务和解决方案业务的博客开始。 方便的是, 它就在SitePoint上 !

The motivating factor for these SMB’s to invest in new, redesigned or application-enabled web sites remains the same — to establish a brand online and/or to satisfy customer demands.


Some other interesting data from the study:


-More than 52 percent outsource web hosting -That number rises to 75 percent when looking at the smallest SMB’s (2-19 employees) -50 percent of medium sized businesses host their web sites within internal offices, a trend, according to the Yankee Group, first emerged in 2000-2002.

-超过52%的外包网络托管-根据最小的SMB(2-19名员工),这一数字上升到75%。-Yankee Group表示,趋势是50%的中型企业将其网站托管在内部办公室中,最早出现在2000-2002年。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-hosting-survey-shows-growth-opportunities/

