
tech2024-04-14  114


Kevin asked for more details about “Ctrl-clicking” layers in Photoshop, so here’s a quickie.

凯文(Kevin)要求提供有关Photoshop中“ Ctrl-单击”图层的更多详细信息,所以这里有个快速入门。

Ctrl-clicking (Command-click for Mac users) a layer allows you to create a selection based on the pixels in that layer. Here’s an example of a multi-layered Photoshop file:

按住Ctrl键单击(对于Mac用户,则为Command键单击),您可以根据该图层中的像素创建选择。 这是一个多层Photoshop文件的示例:

When you ctrl-click Layer 3 (the arrow layer) in the Layer Palette, you create a selection (shown by the dotted lines) based on what the layer contains:


So likewise, ctrl-clicking Layer 2 in the Layer Palette creates a heart-shaped selection:


And similar to many other “selection” functions, if you Shift-Ctrl-Click more than one layer in the Layer Palette, the selections will be added together. Shift-Ctrl-Clicking the arrow layer creates selections of both the heart and arrow shapes:

与许多其他“选择”功能相似,如果您在Shift-Ctrl-Click的“图层面板”中单击多个图层,则这些选择将被添加在一起。 Shift-Ctrl-单击箭头图层可同时创建心形和箭头形状的选择:

Creating selections in this way preserves transparency. In this example, I have a layer with a shape created with the airbrush tool, where the outer edges are transparent. I ctrl-click that layer to create a selection:

以这种方式创建选择将保留透明度。 在此示例中,我具有一个用喷枪工具创建的形状的图层,其外部边缘是透明的。 我按住Ctrl键单击该层以创建一个选择:

I create a new layer (and turn off the original layer for demo purposes) with the selection still available:


I select the paint bucket tool and a different color, and click in the selection. The transparency of the edges is preserved!

选择油漆桶工具和其他颜色,然后单击选择。 边缘的透明度得以保留!


