flash mx拖拽实例

tech2024-04-14  89

flash mx拖拽实例

Well, I got tired of duplicating MC instances and altering their opacity at the same time a long time ago, so I thought I’d knock up a quickie panel for duplication and opacity control, which takes a single MC and duplicates it according to your selections within the panel.


Note: Please create a new Flash document and paste the MC that you wish to duplicate into the first frame, then execute the command, as there can be a lot of duplicates!


If you find any issues, then feel free to use the panel on the left to send me feedback and I’ll get them fixed


Download ScatterBug Panel for Flash MX 2004 >>

下载Flash MX 2004的ScatterBug面板>>

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/scatterbug-command-panel-for-flash-mx-2004/

flash mx拖拽实例
