
tech2024-04-14  104


In the same theme of mixed commercial and free software – LAMP and Java developers and administrators may find a welcome convenience in leanring about blueglue from Open Logic.

在混合商业软件和免费软件的同一主题下,LAMP和Java开发人员和管理员可能会发现从Open Logic学习蓝胶的便利之处。

blueglue is sold as a commercial solution to deal with the challenge of managing the open source software stack – the combination of several applications making what we do possible on either Linux or Windows servers. For example, maintaining the installation, configuration and updating of an environment running Apache, MySQL, PHP and CVS can be done from a central interface.

blueglue作为商业解决方案出售,以应对管理开源软件堆栈的挑战-几个应用程序的结合使我们可以在Linux或Windows服务器上实现工作。 例如,可以从中央界面维护运行Apache,MySQL,PHP和CVS的环境的安装,配置和更新。

The product supports more than 100 well known open source applications including Apache, Perl, PostgreSQL, Tomcat, JBoss and many more.


What I found interesting was the inclusion of more than a dozen sample projects that leverage those open source apps with example configurations and code to jump start exploration and testing.


This can be valuable for the beginner or perhaps more importantly for developers or clients seriously exploring open source that have not yet made the leap.


Open Logic is sold on an annual subscription basis for around $400 US – however – thinking of the dollars and time saved through an automated installation, configuration, testing and patching interface, that cost is quite minimal.

Open Logic的年度订购价约为400美元-但是,考虑到通过自动安装,配置,测试和修补界面节省的成本和时间,该成本相当低。

Definitely worth a look – and with the cross platform friendliness for those open source apps that support both Linux and Windows – very useful for mixed environments.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/managing-open-source-installation-and-updates/


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