
tech2024-04-15  110


Did you make it to CFUnited this year? Yea me neither, I was supposed to go but after my little sabbatical to Shreveport LA plans kind of got lost.

你今年到CFUnited吗? 是的,我也没有,我本来应该去的,但是在休假到Shreveport LA计划之后,我有点迷路了。

BUT lucky for us we can still experience it even if we didn’t get to sit in the chairs and pal around the conference area. Be sure to check out the feeds to get the scoop.

但幸运的是,即使我们没有坐在会议区周围的椅子和朋友中,我们仍然可以体验到它。 请务必查看供稿以获取独家新闻。

One post I want to point out in particular is the one Ben Forta made about performance for CF8. Let’s just say the numbers are amazing!

我要特别指出的一则帖子是本·福特(Ben Forta)关于CF8的性能 。 我们只说数字惊人!

Also if you’re someone who likes to get a quick overview, then Matt Woodward has some great Google Doc outlines of the events he attended.

另外,如果您是喜欢快速浏览一下的人,那么Matt Woodward会对他参加的活动有一些很棒的Google Doc 概述 。

If you attended or know of some other posts of interest feel free to share them in the comments.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/another-year-another-cfunited/

