
tech2024-04-15  92

ftp sftp

I have been exploring a neat little Java-based tool called MindTerm that can act as an ftp proxy as well as an SSH client.


While I am glued solidly to using the Terminal utility in OS X (and FTPeel for FTP tasks), I do like the MindTerm ssh client and proxy capabilities. More importantly though, it can be used an a standalone applet or as a library within another web or desktop application.

虽然我扎实紧盯使用OS X(和终端工具FTPeel用于FTP任务),我喜欢的MindTerm SSH客户端和代理功能。 不过,更重要的是,它可以用作独立的applet,也可以用作另一个Web或桌面应用程序中的库。

The key factor to me is its ability to act as an ftp proxy, allowing standard ftp usage from the desktop which is routed over an ssh connection. In essence one launches the applet, connects to a host, minimizes MindTerm and then launches their ftp client. Within the ftp client the host is changed to and an ftp session is routed over the previously established ssh connection.

对我而言,关键因素在于它可以充当ftp代理,允许通过ssh连接路由来自桌面的标准ftp使用。 本质上,是启动小程序,连接到主机,最小化MindTerm,然后启动其ftp客户端。 在ftp客户端中,主机更改为127.0.0.1:21,并且通过先前建立的ssh连接路由ftp会话。

The product is open source and available for free limited commercial use for 100 users or less. Larger site implementations may incur costs. The company, AppGate Network Security, also offers some OEM licensing for those seeking large scale distributions of products with the MindTerm library embedded.

该产品是开源的,可供100个或更少的用户免费有限的商业使用。 较大的站点实施可能会产生费用。 AppGate Network Security公司还为那些寻求嵌入嵌入式MindTerm库的产品的大规模发行者提供了一些OEM许可。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/from-ftp-to-sftp-with-mindterm/

ftp sftp

相关资源:linux sftp、ftp上传(使用curl)