开源中国 精彩回顾

tech2024-04-15  94

开源中国 精彩回顾

The year in review looks at some of the key developments in 2004 that could impact on a large scale AND more importantly squarely impact web professionals.


While there were dozens of people, programs and events that could be reviewed – I selected these as they first have a big impact on non-web professionals (namely current and prospective customers) that can have very positive results for your business.


As open source mainstreams to corporate folk, it becomes that much easier to build open source solutions into your proposals, opening up bidding for larger clients where perhaps software licensing issues kept you away in the past.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/2004-open-source-year-in-review/

开源中国 精彩回顾
