apache 多主机ssl

tech2024-04-16  99

apache 多主机ssl

A new column is up to kick off August — Securing Your Apache 2 Server with SSL.

即将在八月开始的新专栏文章- 使用SSL保护Apache 2服务器 。

I struggled in my early days with SSL and after several failures got the hang of it. I hope to save others some time and money in getting a good background and foundation for using SSL with Apache 2 on Linux.

在使用SSL的初期,我一直在挣扎,在经历了几次失败之后,它变得难以捉摸。 我希望节省其他人的时间和金钱,以获得在Linux上将SSL与Apache 2一起使用的良好背景和基础。

I will be including SSL topics in the Open Sourcery blog throughout the month to expand on the column, including SSL logging, Apache on Windows and others.


One good feature of SSL certificates in most cases is they can come with you if you migrate to a different web host after deploying SSL. The key is in the domain name – if you change domain names – it will require a new cert.

在大多数情况下,SSL证书的一个好功能是,如果您在部署SSL之后迁移到其他Web主机,则它们可以与您一起提供。 密钥在域名中(如果您更改域名),它将需要新证书。

However, if in this case you would be moving your certificiate from an Apache web server on one host to Apache on another (using same domain name) – you simply need the private key and certifiicate file noted in the httpd.conf file for the domain copied to the new host.

但是,如果在这种情况下,您要将证书从一台主机上的Apache Web服务器转移到另一台主机上的Apache(使用相同域名),则只需要域的httpd.conf文件中注明的私钥和证书文件即可。复制到新主机。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/ssl-apache-column-and-more/

apache 多主机ssl
