Google Payments?

tech2024-04-16  98

The news broke late last week by way of the Wall Street Journal with rumors of a payments service akin to PayPal forthcoming from Google, seeming new masters of the web world.

上周晚些时候,《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)传出了这一消息,有传言称谷歌即将推出类似于PayPal的支付服务,这似乎是网络世界的新主人。

Some of the speculation was cleared late last evening with comments from Google CEO Eric Schmidt who claimed the wunderkid of online search would not venture into eBay’s turf. However, other innovators have been known to use the ‘head shake’ to brush off early competitive concern while they take the pulse of a market sector and possible room for additional players.

谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Sc​​hmidt )的评论在昨晚晚些时候消除了一些猜测,后者声称在线搜索的奇观将不会冒险进入eBay的地盘。 但是,已知其他创新者会使用“摇头”来消除早期的竞争担忧,同时他们会抓住市场领域的脉动并可能为其他参与者腾出空间。

Google does wave a big stick, with revenues and a stock price enabling it to venture into many arenas, however, eBay being an equally entrenched global brand, the cost could be too great to go head to head. Much speculation now points toward a possible electronic payment service tied to Google’s existing Froogle shopping search property.

Google确实挥舞了大手笔,收入和股价使其可以涉足许多领域,但是,eBay是一个同样根深蒂固的全球品牌,其成本可能太高,无法相提并论。 现在,许多猜测指向与Google现有的Froogle购物搜索资源相关的可能的电子支付服务。

I have used PayPal personally and professionally nearly since its inception, and am one of its 72 million registered members. I have found it valuable both as a consumer and as a developer for its ease of use, low cost of entry and sensitivity to changes in Internet commerce. My own concern of Google entering the e-payments fray comes from watching them move from search pioneers and experts to a diversified technology firm with fingers in an endless number of pies – and perhaps spreading themselves thin.

自PayPal成立以来,我就一直在个人和专业上使用它,并且是其7200万注册会员之一。 我发现它以其易用性,低廉的进入成本以及对互联网商务变化的敏感性而对消费者和开发者均具有重要的价值。 我自己对Google进入电子支付领域的担忧来自于观察他们从搜索先驱和专家转移到一家多元化的技术公司,而手指却无数次地被骗了,甚至散布了自己。

They aboslutely lead the search field currently – however – if they become an IBM or HP like company with bloat that slows its moves – eBay's tight focus on commerce would surely leave them perpetually in second place.


In the few short days that fever spread across the tech sphere that the two would go head to head, I informally queried some business peers for feedback on the possibility, including a web proprieter in Europe, an SEO expert who dabbles in ecommerce in the Western US as well as a Midwestern US tech-savvy marketer. Their comments were varied and interesting and I thought I would share them as well as look for SitePoint readers comments.

在发烧蔓延到整个技术领域的短短几天中,这两者将并存,我非正式地询问了一些企业同行,以征询有关可能性的反馈,其中包括欧洲的网络所有者,SEO专家,他们涉猎西方的电子商务。美国以及美国中西部精通技术的营销商。 他们的评论内容多样且有趣,我想我会分享它们以及寻找SitePoint读者的评论。

My good friend (a web developer and multimedia designer) at the foot of the Bavarian Alps suggests it would benefit him based on his Google AdSense income, allowing him to store the funds within Google and perhaps use those dollars for advertising or some other purpose. He did note he uses PayPal to accept donations or sell through his various online properties.

我在巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脚下的好朋友(网络开发人员和多媒体设计师)建议,根据他在Google AdSense上的收入,这将使他受益,使他能够将资金存储在Google内,并可能将这些资金用于广告或其他目的。 他确实注意到他使用PayPal接受捐赠或通过其各种在线资产出售。

“Competition breeds innovation, and so is always welcome. The danger in this particular case is that it could make Google so omnipotent, that is turns into a reviled monsterous company- putting it at odds with its “do no harm” credo,” added Chris Kramer, an SEO expert.

竞争促进创新,因此总是受欢迎的。 SEO专家克里斯·克莱默(Chris Kramer)补充说,在这种特殊情况下的危险在于,它可能会使Google如此无所不能,从而变成一家受人指责的怪兽公司,使其与“不伤害”信条相抵触。

He does believe that Google, if they choose to enter the space, should make the usability factor so easy that his grandmother could setup the service. Perhaps that is a slight nip at PayPal, although myself I find PayPal quite easy to use.

他确实相信,如果Google选择进入该领域,应该使可用性因素变得如此容易,以至于他的祖母可以设置该服务。 也许这对PayPal来说是个小问题,尽管我自己发现PayPal易于使用。

Perhaps most telling is the comments of a non-Internet based marketing professional, though he is technically savvy and hip to cutting edge products.


“Competition is good, and Paypal rather owns the segment so far. Having only one player in a market segment is usually a negative for consumers (I wish instead that Google would do an Ebay competitor. Google knows what Ebay does not – simplicity is key).”

“竞争很好,而贝宝目前拥有该细分市场。 在细分市场中只有一个参与者通常对消费者不利(我希望Google成为Ebay的竞争对手。Google知道Ebay没有什么-简单是关键)。”

He does add that Paypal does a hell of a job in most respects (security being #1), but are vulnerable in marketing and deployment.


“The messages they use are dorky and overreach for a safe and stable image. I think the place in a consumer’s mind they want to occupy is always cutting edge – in security, in groundbreaking new products, in reach of product availability, etc. Using bald guys at desks is the wrong approach.”

“他们使用的信息太过笨拙,无法获得安全稳定的图像。 我认为,在消费者心目中,他们想要占据的位置始终是最前沿的–在安全性,开创性的新产品,产品可及性等方面。在办公桌前使用秃头的人是错误的方法。”

Therein lies Google’s opportunity. As I mentioned earlier, eBay and Google have solid branding, though Reis and Trout “Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind”) would argue that line extension (Google broadening its product portfolio) is a dangerous path – the latter a reference from my well-read marketing friend.

这就是Google的机会。 正如我之前提到的那样,尽管Reis和Trout的“定位:为您的心灵而战”虽然eBay和Google拥有牢固的品牌,但他们认为产品线扩展(Google扩大其产品组合)是一条危险的道路-后者是我的参考-阅读营销朋友。

As a final thought – while webmasters and developers may explore a Google service – convincing the average Joe would bring in the gravy for a payment service like PayPal. My informal research group agreed that the average consumer will only gamble so much with online service outside of zero-fraud liability. Thus, if PayPal works for the user, why bother trying out any other service. Perhaps that would be the biggest hurdle, even if Google does steer clear of PayPal and eBay waters.

最终的想法是-虽然网站管理员和开发人员可能会探索Google服务-说服普通人乔加入PayPal这样的支付服务的吸引力。 我的非正式研究小组同意,除了零欺诈责任外,普通消费者只会在在线服务上赌博这么多。 因此,如果PayPal为用户服务,为什么还要尝试其他任何服务。 即使Google确实避开了PayPal和eBay水域,这也许也是最大的障碍。

