
tech2024-04-17  113

We have talked many times before on Open Sourcery about the pros and cons of the commercialization of Linux. This has included building a service and support system similar to open source’s proprietary cousins (that the business world is used to), introducing benchmark ratings (already a growing movement) and methods for validating code to protect against both legitimate and rancorous legal action.

之前,我们在Open Sourcery上已经谈论过很多次Linux 商业化的利弊 。 其中包括建立类似于开源专有表亲(商业界习惯于此)的服务和支持系统,引入基准等级(已经在不断发展)和用于验证代码的方法,以防止合法和恶意的法律诉讼。

Obviously this is something of a movement during the last few years and now several intiatives are coming to fruition for better or for worse. In general, paid support has been available through several manufacturers of Linux distributions, however, more and more start-up companies are surfacing based on a pay to play model with success.

显然,这是过去几年中的运动,现在有好几种方案变得越来越好。 通常,已经通过多家Linux发行版制造商提供了付费支持,但是,越来越多的初创公司基于付费模式成功地出现。

In fact, leading the new factoids in today’s post is the emergence of a venture capital fund dedicated solely to launching six or more open source companies over the next few years. Seeing an operation commit more than $10 million to mentoring new open source products into commercial organizations is a big boost to budding entrepeneurs working with non-proprietary projects.

实际上,在今天的职位上引领新事实的是风险投资基金的出现,该基金专门用于在未来几年内推出六家或更多开源公司。 看到某项业务投入超过1000万美元用于指导新的开源产品进入商业组织,这对于从事非专有项目的新兴企业家是一个巨大的推动作用。

This certainly should encourage those with projects to go beyond sharing projects at community sites and perhaps teasing the waters to see if some commercial investments are ripe for funding.


In that same vein, Black Duck (a company I have covered here before) has teamed up with the Open Source Software Institute as a corporate member. This will bring the firm’s code compliance and licensing expertise to the orgainzation and its members.

同样, Black Duck (我之前在这里介绍过的一家公司)已经与开放源软件研究所合作成为公司成员。 这将使公司的代码合规性和许可专业知识带给该组织及其成员。

They will also serve as a technical advisor on US Navy research and development projects. Again, a significant move for open source and the Linux platform, further vetting the platform’s capability in complex environments.

他们还将担任美国海军研发项目的技术顾问。 同样,开源和Linux平台已迈出了重要一步,进一步审查了该平台在复杂环境中的功能。

Why discuss large scale enterprise issues in conjunction thinking of web application developers? Well, for starters, all of us here at SitePoint work at differing levels of development, some small and some large. Second, the more proven Linux and open source solutions become at the highest level, the more legitimate proposal for web solutions become at all levels. Think small business and their view of buying Microsoft solutions. Most think nothing other than that it (Microsoft) is the watermark standard for technology. Nothing wrong with that – it is a big market with room for everyone. However. many of us in some form or fashion are hawking Linux and open source – and these bits of news add more ammunition for us to show the platform is mature and ready.

为什么要结合Web应用程序开发人员的思想来讨论大型企业问题? 好吧,对于初学者来说,SitePoint的所有人都在不同的开发级别上工作,无论规模大小。 其次,越成熟的Linux和开放源代码解决方案已成为最高级别,则针对Web解决方案的更合理的建议也应运用于各个级别。 考虑小型企业及其购买Microsoft解决方案的观点。 大多数人认为,微软(Microsoft)是技术的水印标准。 没什么错–这是一个每个人都有空间的大市场。 然而。 我们中的许多人以某种形式或方式正在兜售Linux和开源软件-这些新闻为我们增加了弹药,以表明该平台已经成熟并准备就绪。

And as I discovered as I continued to move to larger and larger projects and environments, you might be surprised at how soon you may be looking to some of the companies we discuss for a solution. As compliance issues become critical even at the smallest company, our need for code integrity, licensing help and protection against possible legal action becomes very real.

正如我在继续从事越来越大的项目和环境时发现的那样,您可能会惊讶于您很快就会寻找我们讨论的一些公司寻求解决方案。 由于即使在最小的公司中合规性问题也变得至关重要,因此我们对代码完整性,许可帮助和防止可能采取的法律行动的需求变得非常现实。

Linux has shown it can succeed with a community model. Now it will need to retain that community as it establishes itself as a major player.

Linux已经证明它可以通过社区模型获得成功。 现在,它将需要保留那个社区,因为它要成为主要参与者。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-commercialization-redux/
