such ……as……

tech2024-04-17  110

such ……as……

Well, I certainly thought last week’s question was incredibly fun. If you missed it, I posed five “find the odd man out” questions which turned out to be quite difficult.

好吧,我当然认为上周的问题非常有趣。 如果您错过了它,我提出了五个“找出奇怪的人”的问题,事实证明这很困难。

Nobody who attempted to answer got all five right. However, I may have left just a little to much ambiguity in some of the questions for the “right” answer to be findable… Either way, I’ll dive in and explain which answers I was looking for. Let me know in comments if I’m totally out of my mind :)

没有人试图回答所有五个问题。 但是,在某些问题上我可能只留下了一点点的歧义,以便可以找到“正确”的答案……无论哪种方式,我都会深入探讨并解释我在寻找哪个答案。 如果我完全不介意,请在评论中让我知道:)

1.规格 (1. Specifications)

Of the four specifications given (WSDL, APP, RDF, and WS-Policy), only RDF specifies a non-XML-based data representation. Yes, RDF can be represented in XML, but it also has alternative formats; the other three don’t.

在给出的四个规范(WSDL,APP,RDF和WS-Policy)中,只有RDF指定了非基于XML的数据表示形式。 是的,RDF 可以用XML表示,但是它也有其他格式。 其他三个没有。

2. HTTP方法 (2. HTTP methods)

kasimir got it: “POST is not idempotent”.

kasimir 明白了这一点 :“ POST不是幂等的”。

Idempotence is actually an incredibly important concept in web development, but rather than shoot my mouth off about it, let me point you to Wikipedia’s words on the subject, which are quite good.

幂等实际上在Web开发中是一个非常重要的概念,但是让我指点一下Wikipedia 在该主题上的用词 ,这是相当不错的,而不是让我大吃一惊。

3. MD5哈希 (3. MD5 hashes)

Mindaugas got it: B is an MD5 hash of the empty string.

Mindaugas 明白了 :B是空字符串的MD5哈希。

This one was a little bit of a “gotcha” question; I usually try to avoid trick questions, but I just couldn’t resist here.

这个问题有点“棘手”。 我通常会尝试避免一些技巧性的问题,但是我在这里无法抗拒。

4.编程语言 (4. Programming langauges)

Also a bit of a trick question: the answer is based on some knowledge of the history of the languages, not on features languages themselves.


The answer? Python is the only language not named after a (real) person.

答案? Python是唯一没有以(真实)人命名的语言。

5. HTML 4元素 (5. HTML 4 elements)

boomsb got it first: <U> is deprecated.

boomsb首先 得到它 :不推荐使用<U> 。

There’s a little bit of a joke in this one, though: even though <U> is officially deprecated, it’s nevertheless supported by every browser under the (virtual) sun, while <Q> — officially part of HTML — is not supported by Explorer.

不过,这有个小玩笑:即使<U>正式被弃用,但(虚拟)太阳下的每个浏览器都支持它,而<Q> — HTML的正式组成部分– Explorer不支持。 。

Isn’t this a fun world to code for?


有自己的问题吗? (Got a question of your own?)

If you’ve got a question, puzzle, or challenge that you think would make a good question for this quiz, email me at jacob -at- If I use your question in a future quiz, I’??ll even send you a nice little present…

如果您认为自己的问题,难题或挑战对本测验提出了很好的疑问,请给我发送电子邮件至jacob -at- 。 如果我在以后的测验中使用您的问题,我什至会寄给您一件精美的小礼物…

明天 (Tomorrow)

Tune in tomorrow for the next question. I think I’m going to try something a bit more open-ended this time: a question about data modeling. Be sure to check it out.

明天收看下一个问题。 我想这次我将尝试一些更开放的东西:关于数据建模的问题。 请务必检查一下。


such ……as……
