
tech2024-04-17  108


Cobalt is living on through the release of the ROM and OS to open source enabling fans of the custom Linux build to run clones of the famous glowing blue boxes.


I had mentioned some time ago in Open Sourcery that since Sun’s release of Cobalt to the open source community – hosting numbers had seen a slight uptick to just over 900,000 on the platform (Netcraft stats). While not a ton of buzz has been circulating – there are plenty of active forums answering Cobalt questions and concerns arise when sources of update packages beocme unavailable.

我曾在开放源代码中提到过,自从Sun向开放源代码社区发布Cobalt以来,托管平台上的托管人数略有增加,刚刚超过90万( Netcraft统计数据 )。 尽管没有大量的嗡嗡声在流传,但是当无法获得更新包的源时,有很多活跃的论坛在回答Cobalt的问题和担忧。

There are a few sites dedicated to Cobalt – one of the most active being a Japanese site — Blue Quartz — where the porting and maintenance activity surrounding its open source evolution is taking place.

有一些专门针对Cobalt的站点-Blue Quartz是日本站点中最活跃的站点之一,围绕它的开源演变正在进行移植和维护活动。

In addition – the original ROM is available at Sourceforge, which enables the Cobalt system to run on x86 architecture.

另外– Sourceforge提供原始ROM,使Cobalt系统可以在x86架构上运行。

Finally, a professional consulting firm from Amsterdam — RaqTweak — is running a Cobalt-friendly operation internationally. I am working to get some comments from them on their current take of the Cobalt community and perhaps a perspective on its future, and bring it to the Open Sourcery blog soon.

最后,来自阿姆斯特丹的专业咨询公司RaqTweak在全球范围内开展了钴友好型业务。 我正在努力从中获得关于他们目前对Cobalt社区的看法以及对它的未来的看法的一些评论,并将其尽快发布到Open Sourcery博客中。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-cobalt-destinations/

