
tech2024-04-18  98


Often you’ll want to import existing graphics and artwork into your Photoshop document. A problem for Photoshop? Not at all — in fact, there are several ways you can do this!

通常,您需要将现有的图形和插图导入到Photoshop文档中。 Photoshop有问题吗? 根本没有-实际上,您可以通过多种方法来做到这一点!

External graphics can be placed in Photoshop as raster layers or Smart Objects. And in this solution, which has been adapted from the second chapter of my book, The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques, I’ll show you how to place these graphics, then we’ll talk about the difference between raster layers and Smart Objects.

可以将外部图形作为栅格图层或智能对象放置在Photoshop中。 在此解决方案中,该方法已从我的第二章《 Photoshop Anthology:101 Web设计技巧,窍门和技巧》改编而来,我将向您展示如何放置这些图形,然后我们将讨论它们之间的区别。栅格图层和智能对象。


Placing Artwork from a Web Page


Copy the artwork from the web page, then select Edit > Paste or press Ctrl-V (Command-V on a Mac) to paste it into your Photoshop document. Photoshop will create a new layer containing the artwork, or place it into a selected empty layer. The artwork will be on a raster layer.

从网页复制图稿,然后选择“编辑”>“粘贴”或按Ctrl-V(在Mac上为Command-V)将其粘贴到Photoshop文档中。 Photoshop将创建一个包含图稿的新层,或将其放置到选定的空层中。 图稿将位于栅格图层上。

Placing Artwork from Flattened Image Files


A flattened image file — such as a GIF, JPEG or PNG — contains artwork on a single layer. Open the file in Photoshop and use Select > All or press Ctrl-A (Command-A) to create a selection of the entire document. Click on your Photoshop document then select Edit > Paste or press Ctrl-V (Command-V) to paste it. Photoshop will paste the document into a new or selected empty layer as it does when pasting artwork from a web page. The artwork will be on a raster layer.

展平的图像文件(例如GIF,JPEG或PNG)在单个图层上包含图稿。 在Photoshop中打开文件,然后使用“选择”>“全部”或按Ctrl-A(Command-A)创建整个文档的选择。 单击您的Photoshop文档,然后选择“编辑”>“粘贴”或按Ctrl-V(Command-V)将其粘贴。 Photoshop会将文档粘贴到新的或选定的空白层中,就像从网页上粘贴图稿一样。 图稿将位于栅格图层上。

Placing Layers from a Different Photoshop Document


Position the document windows so that both are visible. Select the window of the document you wish to import from, to bring up its Layers palette. Select and drag the necessary layers over to the new window and release the mouse button when you see a thick, black outline around the window. This will copy the layers across as shown in the example at the top of the next page. The copied layers will retain their original properties.

放置文档窗口,以便两个窗口均可见。 选择要从中导入文档的窗口,以调出其“图层”调板。 选择并拖动必要的图层到新窗口,然后在窗口周围看到黑色的粗轮廓时松开鼠标按钮。 如下面页面中的示例所示,这将复制层。 复制的图层将保留其原始属性。

Placing Artwork from Illustrator


Open Illustrator and select the artwork you wish to export to Photoshop. Copy the artwork using Ctrl-C (Command-Con a Mac). Switch to Photoshop while Illustrator is still open and paste your copied artwork using Ctrl-V (Command-V). A dialog box will appear, asking you whether you wish to paste the artwork as a Smart Object, Pixels, Path or a Shape Layer.

打开Illustrator,然后选择要导出到Photoshop的图稿。 使用Ctrl-C(在Mac中为Command-Con)复制图稿。 在Illustrator仍处于打开状态时切换到Photoshop,然后使用Ctrl-V(Command-V)粘贴复制的插图。 将出现一个对话框,询问您是否要将图稿粘贴为智能对象,像素,路径或形状图层。

Placing Artwork as a Smart Object


Select File > Place and choose the file you wish to import. Click Place to import the file into your Photoshop document as a Smart Object. For PDF and Illustrator files, Photoshop will display a dialog box that asks you to select the pages you wish to place. Choose the pages you want and click OK.

选择文件>放置,然后选择要导入的文件。 单击“放置”将文件作为智能对象导入到Photoshop文档中。 对于PDF和Illustrator文件,Photoshop将显示一个对话框,要求您选择要放置的页面。 选择所需的页面,然后单击确定。

The Smart Object will initially be placed with a bounding box surrounding it, as shown here. You can use this bounding box to move, rotate, scale, or make other transformations to the object. When you’re done,double-click inside the bounding box to commit the Smart Object to its layer.

最初,将在智能对象周围放置一个包围盒,如此处所示。 您可以使用此边界框来移动,旋转,缩放或对对象进行其他转换。 完成后,在边界框内双击以将智能对象提交到其图层。

讨论区 (Discussion)

Smart Objects


A Smart Object is an embedded file that appears in its own layer in Photoshop. A Smart Object layer is distinguished by an icon that overlays the thumbnail image displayed in the Layers palette, as shown in the example below.

智能对象是一个嵌入式文件,出现在Photoshop中自己的图层中。 Smart Object图层的特征是图标,该图标覆盖了“图层”调板中显示的缩略图,如下例所示。

Smart Objects are different from other layers because they are linked to a source file (e.g., an Illustrator file, JPEG, GIF or other Photoshop file). If you make changes to the source file, the Smart Object layer will also be updated with those changes.

智能对象与其他层不同,因为它们链接到源文件(例如Illustrator文件,JPEG,GIF或其他Photoshop文件)。 如果您对源文件进行更改,则智能对象层也将使用这些更改进行更新。

In contrast, raster layers (or regular layers) are fully editable, so you can draw and paint on them, fill them with colors, or erase pixels. Unlike Smart Objects, where you retain image quality, if you resize a raster layer smaller, you will lose information.

相比之下,栅格图层(或常规图层)是完全可编辑的,因此您可以在其上绘制和绘画,为其填充颜色或擦除像素。 与保留对象图像质量的智能对象不同,如果将栅格图层的尺寸调整得较小,则会丢失信息。

This is demonstrated in the example on the next page, which shows the result of a Smart Object that has been decreased in size, then resized back to its original dimensions. The same steps, when applied to a raster layer, produce an image that is blurred and of lower quality.

在下一页的示例中对此进行了演示,该示例显示了缩小尺寸的智能对象的结果,然后将其调整为原始尺寸。 将相同的步骤应用于栅格图层时,会生成模糊且质量较低的图像。

Because Smart Objects are linked to an outside document, you can resize them without losing the original image data. While you can apply layer effects and some transformations to Smart Object layers, you cannot actually manipulate (paint, draw, erase) their pixels because they are not editable from external documents. You can open the original source file for editing by double-clicking on the Smart Object icon.

因为智能对象链接到外部文档,所以您可以调整它们的大小而不会丢失原始图像数据。 尽管您可以将图层效果和某些转换应用于智能对象图层,但实际上无法操作(绘画,绘制,擦除)它们的像素,因为它们无法从外部文档进行编辑。 您可以通过双击“智能对象”图标来打开原始源文件进行编辑。



You can rasterize Smart Objects by right-clicking on the name of the Smart Object layer and choosing Rasterize Layer. This will break the link to the original source file and treat the layer as an ordinary raster layer.

您可以通过右键单击“智能对象”图层的名称并选择“栅格化图层”来栅格化智能对象。 这将断开到原始源文件的链接,并将该图层视为普通栅格图层。


