
tech2024-04-18  96


I wrote briefly about securing MySQL last week and Andrew-J2000 suggested he was looking for a bit more depth into the clustering side of the scenario. I have recommended some additional links here for night-table reading to study up on some case studies, documentation and other miscellany involved with clustering MySQL.

上周,我简短地写了关于保护MySQL的文章,Andrew-J2000建议他正在对该方案的集群方面进行进一步的研究。 我在这里推荐了一些其他链接供床头柜阅读,以研究有关群集MySQL的一些案例研究,文档和其他杂项。

When it comes to MySQL – one of the best sources remains the vendor. MySQL AB has developed alot of credibility based on its extensive documentation and depth of community participants in extending tips and techniques. There are numerous links out to further resources including training.

说到MySQL,最好的来源之一仍然是供应商。 MySQL AB基于其广泛的文档资料和社区参与者在扩展技巧和技术方面的深度,已经建立了很多信誉。 有许多链接指向包括培训在内的更多资源。

There were some nice links here on O’Reilly. Also, a PDF presentation by Brad Fitzpatrick on Live Journal’s monstrous MySQL implementation which should help.

O'Reilly上有一些不错的链接 。 此外, 布拉德·菲茨帕特里克(Brad Fitzpatrick)撰写的有关Live Journal出色MySQL实现的PDF 演示应该会有所帮助。

Finally there is also a very nice How To which includes configuration and security tips by Alex Davies.

最后,还有一个非常不错的“操作方法” ,其中包括Alex Davies的配置和安全性提示。


