
tech2024-04-18  106


PostgreSQL 8 was officially released this week and has many new features to bring to the open source database table (so to speak).

PostgreSQL 8于本周正式发布,并且具有许多可以引入开源数据库表的新功能(可以这么说)。

Of course front and center would be the long awaited native Win32 binary that allows PostgreSQL to run natively on Windows 2000, XP and 2003 as a service. A separate project is underway to ease installation and can be found on the pgFoundry web site (recommended by Postgres).

当然,最重要的将是期待已久的本机Win32二进制文件,它允许PostgreSQL作为服务在Windows 2000,XP和2003上本机运行。 为了简化安装,正在进行一个单独的项目,可以在pgFoundry网站上找到 (由Postgres推荐)。

Other features with an eye toward high performance and stability are point in time backup and restore, which allows for continuous backups and user’s choice for restore points, and tablespaces, which allow for tables and indexes to be stored on different (or the same) filesystems. This latter being an excellent option when tweaking for performance or managing drive space.

着眼于高性能和稳定性的其他功能是时间点备份和还原,它可以进行连续备份,并且用户可以选择还原点,而表空间则可以将表和索引存储在不同的(或相同的)文件系统上。 。 当调整性能或管理驱动器空间时,后者是绝佳的选择。



相关资源:postgresql 8.3