c# 桌面应用重新开源

tech2024-04-18  103

c# 桌面应用重新开源

All the work that’s going into Flash Web applications that look like desktop applications begs the question “Why not just make desktop applications in Flash?” Macromedia tried to answer this with Macromedia Central, which starved for developer adoption and is now given away for free.

Flash Web应用程序中看起来像桌面应用程序的所有工作都产生了一个问题:“为什么不仅仅在Flash中制作桌面应用程序?” Macromedia试图通过Macromedia Central来回答这个问题, Macromedia Central渴望被开发人员采用,现在免费提供了。

Screenweaver was another answer to this question. It began its life as a simple app for creating Flash-based screensavers, and grew into an integrated development environment (IDE) for Flash-based desktop apps. Screenweaver was also a commercial failure, but a small group of intrepid developers have rescued it from binary oblivion to continue its development as an open source project.

Screenweaver是这个问题的另一个答案。 它以创建基于Flash的屏幕保护程序的简单应用程序开始发展,后来发展为基于Flash的桌面应用程序的集成开发环境(IDE)。 Screenweaver也是一个商业失败,但是一小撮无畏的开发人员已经将其从二进制遗忘中解救出来 ,以继续作为开源项目进行开发。

The announcement provides a little history on Screenweaver’s origin, as well as a side-project called Screenweaver Core–a library for using Flash within general-purpose programming languages like Visual Basic, C++, and Python on the Windows desktop–which is also being resurrected.

该公告提供了有关Screenweaver起源的一些历史记录,以及一个名为Screenweaver Core的附带项目-一个用于在Windows桌面上的Visual Basic,C ++和Python等通用编程语言中使用Flash的库。 。

If you’d like to play with the initial open source release of Screenweaver 3, hit the project’s main wiki page, click Download, and grab the precompiled binary. You may also want to follow the link to the documentation, which is not yet included in the download.

如果您想使用Screenweaver 3的初始开源版本,请访问该项目的主Wiki页面 ,单击“下载”,然后获取预编译的二进制文件。 您可能还需要遵循文档的链接,该链接尚未包含在下载中。

The initial plan for the open source effort is to enhance Screenweaver to support synchronous communication between Flash applications built with Screenweaver and other operating system components. The soon-to-be-released Flash Player 8 includes support for ExternalInterface, a new ActionScript API that allows Flash movies to pause and wait for a request (such as calling a JavaScript function in the browser) to complete before continuing.

开源工作的最初计划是增强Screenweaver,以支持使用Screenweaver构建的Flash应用程序与其他操作系统组件之间的同步通信。 即将发布的Flash Player 8包括对ExternalInterface的支持,ExternalInterface是一个新的ActionScript API,允许Flash电影暂停并等待请求(例如在浏览器中调用JavaScript函数)完成后再继续。

Synchronous communication is much simpler to manage than previously-supported asynchronous interfaces to the host environment, and developers like Darron Schall (the instigator of the Screenweaver OS project) believe that this type of communication will be key to making Flash desktop application development a popular reality.

同步通信就简单多了比以前支持异步接口连接到主机环境中管理和开发人员喜欢达隆·汤若望 (在始作俑者的Screenweaver OS项目)认为,这种类型的通信将是关键,以使Flash桌面应用程序开发的热门真人。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/flash-desktop-apps-go-open-source/

c# 桌面应用重新开源
