
tech2024-04-19  112

**Updated 09/08/2004**: v1.0.3 now includes middle mouse wheel support for quick granular control

** 2004年9月8日更新** :v1.0.3现在包括鼠标中键支持,可进行快速粒度控制

Not one to sit around twiddling my thumbs, here’s another panel hot off the press as requested by a SitePoint reader that remedies the problem of exactly scaling objects to a given percentage.


I know myself, if you have objects that you have to scale, even with the use of the snapping guides it can be a bit of a chore using the transform tool to scale to a given percentage.


Not any more, simply select your object, and scale away to your heart’s content!


Note: This version may experience slight problems with objects that don’t have registration points (shapes). Also, if you are constantly dragging and scaling you may experience a little bit of drift of the object that you are scaling.

注意:对于没有注册点(形状)的对象,此版本可能会遇到轻微问题。 另外,如果您不断拖动和缩放,可能会遇到缩放对象的一些漂移

Download Dynamic Scaler Panel for Flash MX 2004 >>

下载适用于Flash MX 2004的Dynamic Sc​​aler Panel >>

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/remove-your-scaling-woes/
