
tech2024-04-19  105


Personal Hit Counter Shared Object Example >>


Messing around with code in Flash MX / MX 2004 can produce some interesting results, some more useful than others, and in this case a quick and dirty personal hit counter for the number of times you have visited the site you implement the code on, along the lines of ‘You have been here xx times’ using the Shared Object.

在Flash MX / MX 2004中处理代码会产生一些有趣的结果,比其他结果更有用,在这种情况下,对于访问您在其上实现代码的网站的次数而言,这是一个快速而肮脏的个人命中计数器使用共享对象的“您曾经来过这里xx次”行。

Whilst displaying the result of the following code may seem a trite overboard, it does have uses and implementations; for example…

尽管显示以下代码的结果似乎有些陈词滥调,但它确实具有用法和实现; 例如…

You could easily trigger functions to be called using a simple switch statement allowing you to conditionally display information based on the number of times a user has been to the site


You could change the navigation structure to suit the needs of the user based upon their click habits; the list goes on…so feel free to experiment

您可以根据用户的点击习惯更改导航结构以适应他们的需求。 清单还在继续...请随时尝试

sObjVisits = SharedObject.getLocal("userVisitsLocal"); if (sObjVisits.data.visits == undefined) { sObjVisits.data.visits = 1; } else { sObjVisits.data.visits = sObjVisits.data.visits+1; } howManyVisits = sObjVisits.data.visits; sObjVisits.flush(); visits.text = "been here "+howManyVisits+" times";

sObjVisits = SharedObject.getLocal("userVisitsLocal"); if (sObjVisits.data.visits == undefined) { sObjVisits.data.visits = 1; } else { sObjVisits.data.visits = sObjVisits.data.visits+1; } howManyVisits = sObjVisits.data.visits; sObjVisits.flush(); visits.text = "been here "+howManyVisits+" times";

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/quickie-shared-object-fiddling/

