
tech2024-04-19  105


At an October meeting in Basel, Switzerland, the World Wide Web Consortium’s Technical Architecture Group (TAG) completed and released a final working document titled “Architecture of the World Wide Web”.

在瑞士巴塞尔的10月会议上,万维网联盟的技术架构小组 (TAG)完成并发布了最终工作文件,标题为“万维网的体系结构”。

The TAG is accepting public comments on this final draft until early December, when it will go for a final ratification as a first edition and formal release.


The document seeks to gather and organize architectural and structural elements of what makes up the web in a central document. The W3C’s TAG was formed in 2001 to do just that by documenting and promoting standards-based principles of web architecture.

该文档旨在在中央文档中收集和组织构成网络的建筑和结构元素。 W3C的TAG成立于2001年,其目的是通过记录和推广基于标准的Web体系结构原理。

It targets both the hobbyist and professional content and architecture developers, bringing to the forefront the fundamentals and core web standards. It also sets the stage for new web-related technologies those developers may adopt moving forward.

它面向爱好者和专业内容与体系结构开发人员,将基础知识和核心Web标准置于最前沿。 这也为开发人员可能采用的与Web相关的新技术奠定了基础。

The group’s members include Chair Tim Berners-Lee (W3C) and:

该小组的成员包括主席Tim Berners-Lee(W3C)和:

co-Chair Stuart Williams (Hewlett-Packard)

联合主席斯图尔特·威廉姆斯(惠普) Dan Connolly (W3C)

丹·康诺利(W3C) Paul Cotton (Microsoft)

保罗·科顿(微软) Roy Fielding (Day Software)

罗伊·菲尔丁(Day Software) Chris Lilley (W3C)

克里斯·里利(W3C) Noah Mendelsohn (IBM)

Noah Mendelsohn(IBM) Norm Walsh (Sun)


Group member Chris Lilley (also Chair of the SVG Working Group) took a break from work to speak with SitePoint about the TAG’s documentation mission.l

小组成员Chris Lilley(也是SVG工作组主席)下班休息,与SitePoint讨论了TAG的文档任务。

Q: What is the TAG’s perspective on this document?


A: WebArch writes down and makes available to others, information about how the Web works. Some of this was written down before, but scattered all over; some was poorly explained, and a lot of it was not really written down at all but formed a sort of hidden knowledge, of people who had been involved in the Web for many years. This was a high entry barrier for, as you say, the hobbyist and was actually a barrier for the professional as well.

答:WebArch写下有关Web工作方式的信息并将其提供给他人。 其中一些是以前写下来的,但散布在各处。 其中一些解释得很差,其中很多根本没有真正写下来,而是形成了一些隐藏的知识,这些知识涉及已经从事Web多年的人们。 正如您所说,这是业余爱好者的高入门障碍,并且实际上对于专业人士也是障碍。

Of course, writing down the ‘hidden knowledge’ has risk – other people may find it to be untrue, or no longer true, or have implementation experience that conflicts. This is why developing WebArch in a public discussion list, www-tag@w3.org, was vital. This development culminated in a Last Call (in fact, two of them) to really be sure that what we had written down was true, valid, and relevant. WebArch just recently went to Proposed Recommendation, the last stage before becoming a W3C Recommendation (a Web Standard).

当然,写下“隐藏的知识”是有风险的,其他人可能会发现它是不真实的,或者不再是真实的,或者具有冲突的实施经验。 这就是为什么在公共讨论列表,开发WebArch www-tag@w3.org ,是至关重要的。 这种发展最终导致了“最后的呼唤”(实际上是其中的两个),以确保我们写下的内容是真实,有效和相关的。 WebArch最近进入了Proposed Recommendation,这是成为W3C Recommendation(Web标准)之前的最后阶段。

Q: Does this help shift the focus or encourage more attention to be given to XML for web developers and content authors who may not have devoted time to it as of yet?


A: One part of WebArch does discuss when it is appropriate to use XML – and when it is not, for example video data. It also gives guidance on good practices for using XML. So yes, it will hep in that area, as we move to more of a standards-based Web.

答:WebArch的一部分确实讨论了什么时候适合使用XML,什么时候不适合使用XML,例如视频数据。 它还提供了有关使用XML的良好实践的指南。 所以是的,随着我们转向更多基于标准的Web,它将在这一领域大放异彩。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/w3c-documents-the-architecture-of-the-web/

