
tech2024-04-19  97

A recent development project has put me in a position to be shifting back and forth across OS platforms (thank goodness for KVM switches). It is not really a big deal however since it is one keyboard, mouse and monitor, I simply prefer to work with one or a minimal number of machines when knee deep in building and testing.

最近的开发项目使我可以跨OS平台来回切换(感谢KVM切换器)。 但这并不是什么大不了的事,但是因为它是一个键盘,鼠标和显示器,所以我很喜欢在构建和测试过程中只使用一台或最少数量的机器。

For starters, with my Macintosh being pretty beefed up, I run the latest Virtual PC, Version 7, from Microsoft with Windows XP Pro SP2. This gives me simultaneous access to both operating systems on the fly for any testing.

首先,随着Macintosh的不断完善,我运行了Microsoft的最新Virtual PC版本7,并带有Windows XP Pro SP2。 这使我可以同时即时访问两个操作系统以进行任何测试。

My complaint, as was the case for many others, was always the sluggishness of VPC in previous versions. That has been resolved with the latest release for me (Although I continue to see reviews stating otherwise). One caveat though – I am running a 1.25 GHz, 1 GB RAM G4 with 120 GB in hard drive space, which very likely helps with VPC’s performance. I cannot imagine running the software on a system with anything less. Perhaps this is the benchmark generating muddling publicity on the new release.

与许多其他情况一样,我的抱怨始终是以前版本中VPC的呆滞。 对于我来说,最新版本已解决了该问题(尽管我继续看到其他说明)。 需要注意的是–我正在运行1.25 GHz,1 GB RAM G4和120 GB硬盘空间,这很可能有助于提高VPC的性能。 我无法想象在没有任何其他功能的系统上运行该软件。 也许这是在新版本上引起混乱的基准的基准。

Even better though has been my recent discovery of CodeWeaver’s CrossOver Office. While not new – I had not previously spent any time looking into it. Now though, immersed in QA – I can complete intensive test scripts on my Linux workstation, and readily update Word and Excel spreadsheets without jumping machines due to CrossOver Office.

更好的是,我最近发现了CodeWeaver的 CrossOver Office。 虽然不是新鲜事物-我以前从未花任何时间研究它。 现在,沉浸在质量检查中–我可以在Linux工作站上完成密集的测试脚本,并可以轻松地更新Word和Excel电子表格,而无需使用CrossOver Office。

Of course there is the argument for using an open office suite – however – that does not always cooperate with corporate client specifications, including VBA-enhanced documents and spreadsheets for quality assurance. Thus, the ability to run Microsoft Office on Linux is invaluable.

当然,存在使用开放式办公套件的论点-但是,它并不总是与公司客户规范配合使用,包括VBA增强的文档和电子表格以确保质量。 因此,在Linux上运行Microsoft Office的能力非常宝贵。

Version 4.0 supports some key applications, most interestingly for developer’s Macromedia Dreamweaver and Flash (the latter considered the Linux golden egg by some – a step toward native Flash dev on Linux). It also runs Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office and several other programs. A comprehensive database showing tested and untested product compatibility is online at the CodeWeaver’s site.

4.0版支持一些关键应用程序,其中最有趣的是对于开发人员的Macromedia Dreamweaver和Flash(后者在某种程度上被认为是Linux的金蛋–向Linux上的本机Flash开发人员迈进了一步)。 它还运行Adobe Photoshop,Microsoft Office和其他几个程序。 可在CodeWeaver的站点上在线获取有关经过测试和未经测试的产品兼容性的全面数据库。

