截屏视频:Photoshop Starburst效果

tech2024-04-19  108

SitePoint is planning a series of premium video tutorials for web developers. To kick off this effort, and to get some valuable feedback from the community (that’s you), we thought we’d start by giving you all a free dose of Photoshop eye candy!

SitePoint正在为Web开发人员计划一系列高级视频教程。 为了开始这项工作,并从社区(也就是您)那里获得一些宝贵的反馈意见,我们认为我们将首先为您提供免费的Photoshop眼药水!

There are two versions of the video: one with additional text captions for the hearing or audio hardware impaired (or for those who just don’t like my voice).


Screencast: Photoshop Starburst Effect (10:09, no captions) Screencast: Photoshop Starburst Effect (10:09, captioned)

截屏视频: Photoshop Starburst效果 (10:09,无标题) 截屏视频: Photoshop Starburst效果 (10:09,无标题)

These videos are optimized for low-grade broadband connections, but patient dial-up viewers can wait and view the video once it has loaded.


Depending on your feedback, we plan for future screencasts to cover all the same technical topics that we cover in other areas of sitepoint.com, from down-and-dirty coding tutorials to web design solutions.


Let me stress that your feedback is especially important, here. Screencasts like these take time to produce, and we’d like to see a clear vote of support from our community before we commit to producing them on a regular basis. You can either comment on this blog, make use of our feedback form (put it under Blog Feedback), or drop me a line personally at kevin (at) sitepoint.com.

让我强调,您的反馈在这里特别重要。 像这样的截屏视频需要花费一些时间来制作,在我们希望定期制作它们之前,我们希望得到社区的支持。 您可以在此博客上发表评论 ,或使用我们的反馈表 (在“博客反馈”下放置),也可以在kevin(at)sitepoint.com上给我留言。

Enjoy the freebie — we look forward to hearing from you!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/screencast-photoshop-starburst-effect/
