Leo Laporte谈开源

tech2024-04-20  124

For those who were rabid fans of TechTV (like myself) and latched onto Leo’s lively coverage of modern tech – he lives on in many ways – including a growing podcast, blog as well as in mainstream media.

对于那些像我一样狂热的TechTV粉丝(并像我一样)并迷恋Leo对现代技术的生动报道的人来说, 他有很多生存方式 ,包括不断增长的播客,博客以及主流媒体。

The Mad Penguin has a great interview with Leo on the intersection of traditional media and content and the open source world. Apparently there is a theme emerging here as we see modern media converge with modern open source technology.

疯企鹅在传统媒体和内容与开源世界的交汇方面对Leo进行了精彩的采访。 当我们看到现代媒体与现代开源技术融合时,显然出现了一个主题。

It is interesting to think about this shift of technology, presentation and how web professionals will leverage content and open source beyond the web browser. Certainly we need to begin exploring this more in depth.

考虑到技术,表示方式的这种转变以及Web专业人员如何利用Web浏览器之外的内容和开源,这是很有趣的。 当然,我们需要开始更深入地探索。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/leo-laporte-on-open-source/
