
tech2024-04-20  115

Just how much is spam and malicious email attempts costing you and your staff, clients and partners? That is a big question. And for many who run their business solo — difficult to assess the true costs to themselves and their customers.

垃圾邮件和恶意电子邮件的尝试使您以及您的员工,客户和合作伙伴损失了多少? 这是一个大问题。 对于许多独自经营业务的人来说,很难评估自己和客户的实际成本。

However, when you factor in the hard numbers – in bandwidth, storage, time spent managing spam, and any support issues generated by it – the expense can get quite large. That does not include customers who may fall prey to a phishing attempt.

但是,当您考虑硬数字时-在带宽,存储,花费在管理垃圾邮件上的时间以及由此产生的任何支持问题-花费可能会很大。 这不包括可能成为网络钓鱼尝试牺牲品的客户。

While a big part of anti-spam and other malicious email schemes can be battled though a combination of client education and desktop and/or server technology solutions, no broad standards exist for fighting back.


The Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group (MAAWG), an independent organization made up of international companies deeply entrenched in the business of cyberspace, meets this week in Atlanta, Georgia to further its mission to battle spam and other unwelcome messaging and hopefully begin to develop and contribute standards.


Participants include Adelphia, newly-minted member AOL, Bell Canada, Cingular Wireless, France Telecom, Microsoft, Sprint, Vodafon and numerous others across the globe (see list here).

参加者包括Adelphia,新成立的成员AOL,加拿大贝尔,Cingular Wireless,法国电信,微软,Sprint,Vodafon和全球其他众多公司( 请参见此处的清单 )。

A broad look at the organization’s goals can be found here, created for a summit the group held early this past summer.


To put just the spam issue into perspective — in late 2003 the Pew Internet and American Life Project pegs 50% of 30 million emails a day as spam. This has surely risen in 2004 and includes relentless surges in email virus blasts and phishing quests.

从垃圾邮件问题的角度来看-2003年底, Pew Internet和American Life Project每天将3000万封电子邮件中的50%钉为垃圾邮件。 这种情况肯定在2004年有所增加,其中包括电子邮件病毒爆炸和网络钓鱼任务的持续激增。

There have been arguments on both sides as to whether standards and regulatory elements should come from governments, private industry or both. My humble opinion would be to give groups like this one time to propose solid standards that are feasible at all levels of the technology stream globally — rather than attempting to get multiple foreign governmental bodies to concur on new laws that may not maintain relevancy for the long term.

双方一直争论标准和监管要素是否应来自政府,私营企业或两者。 我的拙见是让像这样的团体一次提出在全球所有技术水平上都可行的可靠标准,而不是试图让多个外国政府机构就可能长期保持不相关性的新法律达成一致。术语。

Postscript: Interesting additional thought – the MAAWG is looking at measures that will benefit both traditional computer users AND mobile devices. Good forward thinking I would say considering the growing proliferation of handheld capabilities.

附言:有趣的其他想法– MAAWG正在研究将使传统计算机用户和移动设备都受益的措施。 考虑到手持设备功能的不断增长,我想说的是前瞻性思维。

