适用于Flash MX 2004的SitePoint Flash Blog面板

tech2024-04-20  103

Note: Extension Updated 04/08/2004 to include a link to a summary of all the blogs


Well, I got in from work tonight, and had a ponder; then rapidly created a new panel for you guys, the SitePoint Flash Blog Panel Reader.

好吧,我今晚下班进去,想了一想。 然后Swift为您创建了一个新的面板,即SitePoint Flash Blog面板阅读器。

If your RSS reader isn’t open all the time or you don’t have one, then why not have the latest SitePoint Flash Blog information right there inside Flash MX 2004 while you work?

如果您的RSS阅读器一直没有打开或没有,那么在工作时为什么不在Flash MX 2004内找到最新的SitePoint Flash Blog信息呢?

Download SitePoint Flash Blog Panel for Flash MX 2004 >>

下载适用于Flash MX 2004的SitePoint Flash Blog面板>>

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sitepoint-flash-blog-panel-for-flash-mx-2004/
