Safari Veers走向开源

tech2024-04-20  120

Apple has released the underlying engine of its Safari web browser with an open source project that includes comprehensive access to the CVS repository.

苹果公司已经通过一个开源项目发布了其Safari Web浏览器的底层引擎,该项目包括对CVS存储库的全面访问。

While the ongoing theme is this action was taken due to complaints over a closed development process for the browser, it also is interesting timing with its announced shift to Intel. The Intel-based open source community is vast and surely contributions may contribute toward a better browser as ths architecture shift occurs.

正在进行的主题是由于对浏览器封闭开发过程的投诉而采取了此行动,但随着宣布移交给英特尔,这也是一个有趣的时机。 基于英特尔的开放源代码社区非常庞大,随着架构的转变,肯定会为更好的浏览器做出贡献。

This will help synchronize activity between KHTML developers and Apple. And with Konqueror, Firefox and other open source projects closing in on the goal of complete standards adherence, it may open up the door for Safari to join the club, which recently passed the ACID test.

这将有助于同步KHTML开发人员和Apple之间的活动。 随着Konqueror,Firefox和其他开放源代码项目以完全遵守标准为目标而关闭,它可能为Safari加入俱乐部(最近通过了ACID测试)打开大门。

This also may also crack open the door for some ambitious folk who might want to pursue eventually getting Safari ported to a Linux or Windows environment. Not as far of a stretch as it seems once Apple releases its Xcode framework that will assist in the port from PowerPC to Intel.

这也可能为某些雄心勃勃的人打开大门,他们可能希望最终将Safari移植到Linux或Windows环境中。 苹果公司发布其Xcode框架将为从PowerPC到Intel的移植提供帮助,这似乎没有那么遥不可及。

