
tech2024-04-21  107


The buzz is at a peak today as news outlets continue to cover yesterday’s oepning of the Software Freedom Law Center.


Funded in part by the Open Source Development Labs, home to Linux creator Linus Torvalds, the New York-based organization hopes to bring legal and services support to users and advocates of open source technology.

这家总部位于纽约的组织希望部分地由Linux创造者Linus Torvalds所在地的开放源代码开发实验室(Open Source Development Labs)资助,希望为开放源代码技术的用户和拥护者提供法律和服务支持。

Most interesting may be the goal of training new lawyers to understand the nuances of the world of open source licensing, including the GNU General Public License (getting a rewrite this year as well).


The group will also help developers looking to build solutions with home grown and existing open source code, as well as assist in better license selection. Board members include industry heavyweights Eben Moglen (General Counsel, Free Software Foundation), Lawrence Lessig (Creative Commons) and Diane Peters (Open Source Development Labs).

该小组还将帮助希望使用本地开发的和现有的开放源代码构建解决方案的开发人员,并帮助更好地选择许可证。 董事会成员包括行业重量级人物Eben Moglen(自由软件基金会总法律顾问),Lawrence Lessig(知识共享)和Diane Peters(开源开发实验室)。

Some purists have voiced regret over free and open source software working in the same channels as commercial software — often utilizing the same business tactics. However, the commercialization of open source through services such as code review, legal assistance and corporate adoption is opening new doors for business selling open source solutions.

一些纯粹主义者对与商业软件在相同渠道中工作的自由和开源软件表示遗憾,这些软件通常采用相同的商业策略。 但是,通过代码审查,法律援助和公司采用等服务将开源商业化正在为销售开源解决方案的企业打开新的大门。

Open source has shown it can keep pace with the big guns of the proprietary sphere, now it will have the critical validation for executives holding budget purse strings through organizations like this one.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-legal-resource/


相关资源:开源许可-软件自由和知识产权法Open Source Licensing - Software Freedom and Intellectual Property Law