
tech2024-04-21  86


This has been the buzz over the last few weeks as Sun mulls around on just how to take Java to the next step. Rather than rehashing what most of us have read elsewhere — I went to a seasoned Java developer in the field who has worked on web-based Java applications for the likes of General Electric as well as in financial services and the gaming industry.

在过去的几周中,这一直是嗡嗡声,因为Sun在思考如何将Java推向下一步。 而不是重新散布我们大多数人在其他地方所读的书,而是去了一个经验丰富的Java开发人员,他在该领域工作过,为通用电气以及金融服务和游戏行业开发了基于Web的Java应用程序。

Tyson Lowery, senior developer and owner of Teelo Technologies, suggests that many developers don’t fret over Java status as the software development kits (SDK) often meet their needs. When more is needed. numerous libraries are available that fill in gaps.

Teelo Technologies的高级开发人员和所有者Tyson Lowery建议,由于软件开发工具包(SDK)经常可以满足他们的需求,因此许多开发人员对Java的地位不感到烦恼。 需要更多时。 可以使用许多库来填补空白。

“There are Java libraries out there for a lot of add-on functionality. It would be interesting to see which of these could be included into the core of Java,” Lowery said. “For example, XML parsers are a seperate 3rd party library. I think if Sun includes these and other similar libraries into the core, it would be a help because developers won’t have to install and download additional JARS to use these classes.”

“那里有许多附加功能的Java库。 Lowery说:“看看其中哪些可以包含在Java的核心中会很有趣。” “例如,XML解析器是一个独立的第三方库。 我认为,如果Sun将这些和其他类似的库包含到核心中,那将是有帮助的,因为开发人员不必安装和下载其他JARS即可使用这些类。

According to Lowery, the positive impact could be to make Java’s new features come more quickly in the future. He cites type-safe enumeration, available in Java 5.

Lowery认为,积极的影响可能是使Java的新功能在未来更快地出现。 他引用了Java 5中提供的类型安全枚举。

Lowery explains that this is the ability to put an object into a List such as an ArrayList or Stack and know you are getting that same type of object back when you retrieve the object from the List.


“For years, programmers have been developing their own libraries and methods to cover this. I think it would have found itself in the core of Java a long time ago had Java been open source,” he added.

“多年来,程序员一直在开发自己的库和方法来解决这一问题。 如果Java是开源的,我认为它早在Java的核心中就可以找到自己的位置。”

For his part, Lowery suggests there may be a few inefficiencies that developers could help find with Java classes – but at this stage of the language he thinks these would be few and far between.


“But overall, I can’t see this being a game changer for most programmers,” Lowery said.

“但是总的来说,对于大多数程序员而言,我认为这不会改变游戏规则,” Lowery说。


