
tech2024-04-21  108


Apple shook up the technology roadmap a bit today at the Worldwide Developers Conference by announcing a shift to Intel architecture in 2006. This has ramifications for users and developers alike.

苹果公司今天在全球开发者大会上宣布了2006年向英特尔架构的转变,从而改变了技术路线图 。这对用户和开发人员都有影响。

Some longtime Apple analysts reacted negatively, but largely the rumor mill had been churning and most assumed something was brewing. Conventional wisdom would suggest this is an excellent move for Apple, opening up faster, more power-sensitive performance especially for Macintosh notebooks.

苹果公司一些长期的分析师对此React消极,但大部分传言都在不断流传,大多数人都以为正在酝酿中。 传统观点认为,这对于苹果公司而言是一个极好的举动,尤其是对于Macintosh笔记本电脑而言,它具有更快,功耗敏感的性能。

More interesting perhaps is the new universe this opens up for Linux developers who can now leverage the now mature OS X (and BSD Unix underpinnings) on a familiar hardware platform.

也许更有趣的是,这为Linux开发人员打开了一个新的世界,他们现在可以在熟悉的硬件平台上利用现已成熟的OS X(和BSD Unix基础)。

Engineers in Cupertino have put some thought behind this – having had several years to explore the Darwin core of OS X on Intel, and now planning a release of XCode, Apple’s programming environment for OS X, which will assist PowerPC developers in porting to Intel.

库比蒂诺(Cupertino)的工程师对此进行了一些思考-花费了几年时间探索Intel上OS X的Darwin内核,现在计划发布XCode,这是Apple针对OS X的编程环境,它将帮助PowerPC开发人员移植到Intel。

Having already been an Xserve user from a web hosting perspective, I am excited to have the capabilities and user interface framework of OS X server available at the blistering speeds of the Intel platform.

从Web托管的角度来看,已经是Xserve用户,我很高兴能以Intel平台的惊人速度提供OS X服务器的功能和用户界面框架。

For the uninitiated, Apple has taken care to build configuration and management tools right into OS X server that utilize familiar open source tools such as LAMP, Postfix, Samba, LDAP and more for rapid deployment and reduced administration.

对于刚起步的用户,Apple一直在小心地在OS X服务器中构建配置和管理工具,这些工具利用LAMP,Postfix,Samba,LDAP等熟悉的开源工具来快速部署和减少管理。

In some cases, an argument I have lost for several years (due to the differing hardware architecture) that Apple’s OS X could be the Linux desktop and server we have been searching for may now be a possible reality.

在某些情况下,我已经失去了几年的争论(由于硬件架构的不同),因为苹果的OS X可能是Linux台式机,而我们一直在寻找的服务器现在可能成为现实。


