
tech2024-04-21  111

Not a very pleasant title for a blog post for sure, but that my loyal readers has been mine life for the past week and a half. I’ve been fighting the flu / an upper respiratory infection which has left my online time to very very minimal spurts. So no fancy coding lecture today. Instead just a quick note to wish all of you reading this a happy holiday and a safe and joyous new year.

当然,对于博客帖子而言,这不是一个令人愉快的标题,但是我的忠实读者在过去半个星期中一直是我的生活。 我一直在与流感/上呼吸道感染作斗争,这使我的上网时间非常少。 因此,今天没有花哨的编码讲座。 相反,只是一个简短的注释,希望大家阅读这个节日快乐,并度过一个安全快乐的新年。

We’ll return to our normally scheduled posting starting back up in January of 2007 maybe even a bit sooner if i can ever get over this "thing" i have.


Oh yea one more thing I’d like to send a big shout out and congratulations to all the winners of the first annual CFeMmys, who knows maybe next year you’ll see this blog there :)


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/snort-cough-cough-hack/
