mysql 保持连接

tech2024-04-21  116

mysql 保持连接

If you work in any way with MySQL and do not have a free account on the company site for notifications and newsletters – you are missing out.


Yes – this sounds like a shill for MySQL – but it is unofficial. Simply I have found that aside from the expected marketing fluff to toss out once in a while via e-news, MySQL is publishing some excellent heads-up on products and usage along with some great tips on documentation deep with the site.

是的-这听起来像MySQL的先驱-但它不是官方的。 简而言之,我发现除了期望通过电子新闻偶尔抛弃市场营销手段之外,MySQL还发布了一些有关产品和用法的出色介绍,以及有关网站深层文档的一些技巧。

Recent newsletters have focused on version 5 – with fantastic in-depth links to how-tos with solid technical methods for setup, migration, tweaking and more.


Check out some recent newsletters here, and definitely sign up for notifications when registering as well, as some of the best material comes out on-demand in those communications.

在此处查看一些近期新闻通讯 ,并在注册时也一定会注册以获取通知,因为一些最佳材料会按需提供。


mysql 保持连接
