
tech2024-04-22  151

A fantastic resource was passed along to me called DShield – which bills itself as a distributed intrusion detection system.


What it is really is a powerful live reporting resource on the most attacked ports, types of attacks and who the attackers are. As the folks at DShield put it – “DShield.org is an attempt to collect data about cracker activity from all over the internet. This data will be cataloged and summarized. It can be used to discover trends in activity and prepare better firewall rules.”

实际上,它是受攻击最多的端口,攻击类型以及攻击者是谁的强大的实时报告资源。 正如DShield的人们所说的那样–“ DShield.org试图从互联网上收集有关饼干活动的数据。 该数据将被分类并汇总。 它可用于发现活动趋势并准备更好的防火墙规则。”

I recently wrote about building a firewall using iptables, and with a source such as this, one can tailor packet filtering rules to block new ports and tighten the net around your servers.

我最近写过一篇关于使用iptables 构建防火墙的信息 ,借助这样的源,人们可以定制数据包过滤规则来阻止新端口并加强服务器周围的网络。

The site’s home page provides a global map showing patterns of attack types as well as a “stock” ticker of ports that breakdown types of attacks by those ports and what applications commonly use the same port.


DShield also offers an “are you cracked” search function to see if a machine you use or manage has been cracked via an IP search of the group’s database.


Finally – firewall administrators can upload their logs and contribute to the coverage data DShield offers. Admins can always contact the site to discuss further if logs should be edited previous to submission or as to how the data would be used.

最后–防火墙管理员可以上传其日志,并为DShield提供的覆盖率数据做出贡献。 管理员可以随时与该站点联系,以进一步讨论是否应在提交之前编辑日志或如何使用数据。

DShield’s creators suggest they are exploring how they can expand beyond packet filtering to also cover more sophisticated application level firewalls in the future.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/tighten-security-with-dshield/
